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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Forbidden Letters by London Gates; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR


by London Gates  
coming June 10!
#needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #wildfiremarketingsolutions #darkromance #tabooromance #londongatesbooks #limelightseries #agegapromance #forbiddenlovers #booksarelife #booknerdigan #bookworms #bookobsessed #totalbooknerd  

Some would say I have a hero-worship complex, or that I’m confusing gratitude with love. I don’t think either of those descriptions fit what I feel for Axton Manson. 

The man is hot as sin, and everyone knows it. He’s the hottest, richest, wildest bachelor to ever grace the covers of tabloids featuring the rich and famous. Men want to be him, and women want to tame him. 

I never thought our paths would cross. I knew of him, but how could I ever run into a man like him? New York is a big city. Little did either of us know that the night our paths crossed, the trajectories of our futures would be forever changed. 

He saved my life, and for that, I owe him everything. Absolutely everything. 

If it weren’t for me, he never would’ve gone to prison. Our letters never would’ve started. 

And I never would’ve fallen in love. 

He fears what loving me could mean. 

I’m going to make him see that loving me isn’t wrong.

I’m meant to be his, and he’s meant to be mine.  

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