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Friday, December 11, 2020

Loving The Book Presents: #Christmas #Countdown 2020; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

Award-winning author, wife, mother, grandmother, Harry Potter geek, Army veteran, karate black belt, and online gamer girl.

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"How do you choose between your heart and your responsibilities?

Merry Hurst, a fierce widow and single mom, is determined to give her young son the life he deserves—including a male role model who will stick around for the long haul. She can't afford to fall for a man who isn't planning to stay in Huckleberry Falls, so she might as well stop dreaming about Carlisle Wyndham. If only it were that easy!

Carlisle Wyndham is determined to develop the avalanche-proof transceiver that could have saved his wife's life. He's glad his daughter has made a new friend, but they’re only staying in Huckleberry Falls long enough to complete the project. When he meets the young boy’s mother, Carlisle’s not prepared for how alive she makes him feel.

But he has pressing responsibilities pulling him back to England while Merry’s require her to stay. Do they dare risk getting involved only to say goodbye?"




Carlisle paused in reaching for the door handle and glanced over his shoulder. Another stylist on the other side of the room from Merry’s station was waving him over. He hesitated only a second before joining the unknown woman.

“Don’t give up on her,” she said, her eyes almost pleading.

“Give up?”

“On Merry.” The middle-aged stylist shot a quick glance toward the front of the salon before continuing. “Since she’s been seeing you, she’s come alive again, even if she’d never admit it. She’s scared herself now though.”

Was Merry afraid of him? Did she believe his attentions toward her insincere?

“If you care for her at all—and I can see you do—don’t let her push you away. I’m just saying.” The woman pointed to the door and gave him a gentle push toward it.


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