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Meet the Authors:
A.M. Kusi
Anne Welch
To learn more about Anne Welch, visit: https://www.annewelchauthor.com
Arden Aoide
To learn more about Arden Aoide, visit: https://www.ardenaoide.com
Blair Babylon
Blair Babylon is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author who used to publish literary fiction.
Because professional reviews of her other fiction usually included the caveat that there was too much deviant sex and too much interesting plot, she decided to abandon all literary pretensions, let her freak flag fly, and write hot, sexy, suspenseful romance.
To learn more about Blair Babylon, visit: https://blairbabylon.com
CA Miconi
Her childhood was filled with multiple readings of Gone With the Wind, the ultimate tragic romance. CA got her own HEA when she married her retired military hero, Gary, in 2010.
She began her author services company, Lucky 13, in 2015, specializing in editing, proofreading, promoting, social media management, and administrative support. CA also hosts and sponsors author and reader events, never dreaming she would one day attend events as a signing author.
When she’s not reading, writing, or working with authors, CA enjoys traveling, spending time with her grandchildren, boating, motorcycling, and cheering on her beloved Baltimore Ravens.
To learn more about Blair Babylon, visit: http://www.camiconiwrites.com
Danielle Pearl
To learn more about Danielle Pearl, visit: https://www.facebook.com/daniellepearlauthor/
Eden Butler
To learn more about Eden Butler, visit: https://www.edenbutler.com
Elizabeth Marx
In her past incarnation she was an interior designer—not a decorator—which basically means she has a piece of paper to prove that she knows how to match and measure things and can miraculously make mundane pieces of furniture appear to be masterpieces.
Elizabeth says being an interior designer is one part shrink, one part marriage counselor and one part artist, skills eerily similar to those employed in writing.
Elizabeth grew up in Illinois and has also lived in Texas and Florida. If she’s not pounding her head against the wall trying to get the words just right, you can find her at a softball field out in the boonies or sitting in the bleachers by a basketball court.
Elizabeth resides with her husband, girls, and two cats who’ve spelled everyone into believing they’re really dogs.
Elizabeth has traveled extensively, but still says there’s no town like Chi-Town.
To learn more about Elizabeth Marx, visit: http://elizabethmarxbooks.com
Janet A. Moto
To learn more about Janet A. Moto, visit: https://authorjanetamota.wixsite.com/janetamota
Kenna Rey
Kenna resides in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri with her high school sweetheart, a kiddo and three snuggly doggos. She loves to host get-togethers with family and friends, hiking, camping or riding roller coasters. She is also a big fan of anything chocolate.
To learn more about Kenna Rey, visit: https://www.kennarey.com/
Lori Ryan
Lori published her first romance novel in April of 2013 and has loved every bit of the crazy adventure this career has taken her on since then.
She is a hybrid author, publishing both as an indie author and through SilverHart Publishing. She also has a new side hobby of creating coloring books for adults! Lori loves to connect with her readers. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to her blog.
Oh, and if you’ve read Lori’s romantic suspense books and thought it was one of the best romance novels you’ve read 😉 , please consider leaving a review with the retailer of your choice to help other readers find her work as well! It’s a tremendous honor to have her romance novels recommended to others or written up in reviews. Lori promises to do a happy dance around her office every time you write one!
To learn more about Lori Ryan, visit: https://loriryanromance.com/
M. Jane Colette
She believes rules and hearts were made to be broken; ditto the constraints of genres. The result?
“A whole new sub-genre of her own… social realist erotica that’s frenetic and complex and funny and very well observed.”
Also, smoking hot. Which is still the most important thing in erotica, romance… and, life?
A poster child Gemini, she is, most of the time, at least two people. Her left-brain persona sold out long ago. She wears severely-cut suits of black, blue and only that shade of green (“No, not that shade—have you seen the colour of my hair and eyes? Please. Let’s coordinate.”) and spends a lot of time in board rooms, offices, and “war rooms” (what a name!)
parsing lies. It’s a living.
(But, oh, what a plethora of source material…)
Her right-brain persona longs to be an iconoclast and an artist. When nobody’s looking, she writes poetry.
To learn more about M. Jane Colette, visit: http://mjanecolette.com/
Piper Rayne
To learn more about Piper Rayne, visit: http://www.PiperRayne.com/
Shannon Bruno
Author of non-mushy contemporary romance
To learn more about Shannon Bruno, visit: https://www.facebook.com/authorandwordnerd/
Sierra Hill
To learn more about Sierra Hill, visit: https://www.sierrahillbooks.com
Willow Aster
Willow loves nothing more than writing the day away—anywhere will do. Her husband and two children graciously put up with her endless daydreaming; otherwise, the writing would never get done.
She’s also an avid reader, and has been known to walk, cook, and clean with her nose in a book.
She’s lived in Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, and California, but Minnesota has captured her now and doesn’t seem to be letting go.
Although shy, this lifelong writer and artist is convinced that the best part of this career for her is meeting and connecting with readers, authors, and all of those in this community of lovers of words.
To learn more about Willow Aster, visit: http://www.willowaster.com
Carmen Cook
As soon as she could, she started traveling, heading across the country for college and backpacking through Europe before finally earning a fine arts degree and throwing down roots in the Pacific Northwest.
It wasn’t long before her imagination started running away with her and she started writing.
To learn more about Carmen Cook, visit: https://www.carmencooknovels.com/
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