Title: Heaven's Rejects Volume 1
Novels Included: Sins of the Father ~ Heaven Sent ~ Angels and Ashes
Series: Heaven's Rejects MC
Author: Avelyn Paige
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: May 25, 2018
Rating: 4 Stars
Rating: 4 Stars
#HeavensRejectsMC #AvelynPaige
#ReleaseBlitz #NewRelease
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this
book for review from Give Me Books and the author. I was not
compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The
opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in
accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part
255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and
Testimonials in Advertising".

Sins of the Father – Prequel Novella
Absolute power corrupts absolutely; it was a harsh lesson that my father learned too late. Now we’re all going to burn for his mistakes.
Heaven Sent – HRMC #1
Can an angel with blood-covered wings and the devil himself resist temptation, or will they risk bringing hellfire down on everything that they love?
Angels and Ashes – HRMC #2
When Darcy Kyle sticks her nose in the club’s business, Raze finds himself questioning his loyalty to his brother’s memory. How can he resist an angel bathed in the ashes of the fallen?

Title: Sins of the Father
Series: Heaven's Rejects MC Novella
Rating: 4 Stars
Told in the first person.
Buy Link: Amazon
Michael Sanders lets us into the world that is the Heaven’s
Rejects. He doesn’t quite say hold old
he is but I get the sense he’s a young man.
He has a lot of weight on his shoulders and that weight can be tracked
back to dear old dad. So if you haven’t
started the series, or need to catch up, before getting into the Rejects world
I would start here.
This was a quick read but it made me sad that I hadn’t read this
before. It brought a lot of things to
light. At some point, I will need to
have a Heaven’s Rejects marathon. I may
just look at things a little differently now that my light bulb has gone
on. It also lets us know what Michael’s
MC name is which gave me my “ah” moment.
Now after all that, does that make me a Reject?

Avelyn spends her days working as a cancer research scientist and her nights sipping moonshine while writing and book reviewing. She loves everything paranormal, Cajun culture, and wants to try tornado chasing as a hobby when she finally grows up. She just has to get over that pesky fear of thunderstorms first.
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