Join Man of the Month creator, New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner, and USA Today bestselling Southern food expert Suzanne Johnson as they guide you through their favorite bar bite and drink recipes served at The Fix on Sixth. And don’t forget to spend some time learning a little bit more about the private lives of your favorite characters in all new snippets and short stories! Brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights, BAR BITES is now available! Grab your copy today!
Before Austin’s hotspot, The Fix on Sixth, became known for its sexy and fun Man of the Month calendar contest, the fictional downtown bar had already developed a reputation for fabulous drinks and mouthwatering bar bites—exactly the kind of venue to take a date and strike up a romance. Now it’s your chance to see exactly what’s on the menu … and to get a peek at the private lives of the men and women who not only work at The Fix, but who’ve made it the place to be in Austin, Texas.
Join Man of the Month creator, New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner, and USA Today bestselling Southern food expert Suzanne Johnson as they guide you through their favorite bar bite and drink recipes served at The Fix on Sixth. Learn how to make the delicious bar bites that Tyree’s bar has become famous for. Whip up your favorite cocktail with the same flare as Cameron or Eric. And don’t forget to spend some time learning a little bit more about the private lives of your favorite characters in all new snippets and short stories!
Most of all, come share a drink, a bite, and a laugh with us! We’re so glad you’re here.
So pull up a chair, raise a glass, and dig in with your favorite Man of the Month characters, and meet a few new ones, too!
Grab your copy of BAR BITES today!
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“What’s with you?” Amanda asked as they settled in at one of the two-tops near the bar. “You’ve gone from perky to pensive. Something wrong? Or is it hormones? I know it’s not Reece.”
At the mention of his name, Jenna’s mood lifted. “No,” she agreed. “Not a thing wrong there. Right, peanut? Your daddy’s pretty much perfect.” She smiled down at her belly, and when she looked up, a minor miracle took place. Not only did Eric deliver her drink that very second, but Reece stepped out of the back hallway and entered the bar at the far end of the room.
He was yards and yards away from her, but it didn’t matter. Even across the cavernous bar—even despite the happy hour crowd that filled the room and kept blocking him from her sight—even then, she could feel him. Could sense him.
The heat of him. The power. The strength…and the tenderness.
With his shaved head, shadowy beard, broad shoulders, and rock hard muscles, Reece Walker was the kind of man who never lacked for attention. Add in the intricate tats that covered his chest, back, and arms—today only visible emerging from the short sleeves of his T-shirt—and he radiated a dangerous sex appeal, like a bad boy biker on a mission to ravage a woman.
Her whole body tightened in response to that particular thought, and as she rubbed her hand over her belly, Technicolor memories of the reason she was in this particular state filled her mind, making her breasts ache and her sex throb with such an intense need that she squirmed on the chair, disguising the sudden, demanding sexual craving by reaching for another piece of candied bacon.
The pregnancy hormones were doing a number on her; she was certain of that. She was ridiculously horny all the time. A little fact that really hadn’t bothered her husband one bit.
But this wasn’t a hormone reaction. This was a Reece reaction. The man called to her without saying a word. Possessed her without using his hands. Captured her with only his eyes.
They’d started out as best friends, and thank God they still fit that definition. But they were so much more.
“Hey, Beautiful,” he said, reaching for her. With one hand, he pulled her to her feet. The other he spread wide over her belly. “I missed you both.”
Warmth and love spread through her, and she laughed lightly. “I’ve only been gone a few hours.” She’d cut out that morning to go check on the various retailers stocking the calendar and to talk with the printer about a second print run since sales were so high.
“That’s a few too long.”
About J. Kenner:
Julie Kenner (aka J. Kenner and J.K. Beck) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.
Praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations,” J.K. writes a range of stories including super sexy romances, paranormal romance, chick lit suspense and paranormal mommy lit. Her foray into the latter, Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner, is in development as a feature film with 1492 Pictures.
Her most recent trilogy of erotic romances, The Stark Trilogy (as J. Kenner), reached as high as #2 on the New York Times list and is published in over twenty countries.
J.K. lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and several cats.
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USA Today bestselling author Suzanne Johnson is family trained, a south Georgia native who's been cooking all of her life, creating not only some really unique food, but precious memories that re-occur every time she smells something simmering in the oven. In all of her books, Suzanne shows that making a delicious meal doesn't have to be complicated--it just has to be made with love. So go ahead, don't be bashful, dive right in. Who knows? You might just make a few memories of your own.
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