Cover by The Final Wrap

When it comes to tomorrow…there are no guarantees
Emma, Eddie, and Zach. Best Friends. They were inseparable.
U n t i l t h e y w e r e n ’ t.
The three had grown up together, thick as thieves, friends until the end… well, with a minor exception. Emma had been in love with Zach for as long as she could remember. But it was one-sided.
U n t i l i t w a s n ’ t.
Then life changed. Emma started her first year of college and Zach and Eddie signed up to serve their country together, heading off to war. Life wasn’t quite fair. Emma’s hopes for a life between her and Zach dwindled with the distance and the passage of time. But there was still hope.
U n t i l t h e r e w a s n ’ t.
The unthinkable happened. After all… there was a war. And the three became two. Zach and Emma were left broken, crushed into a million pieces.
Would they be able to help each other put the pieces of their lives back together or would the pain and loss be too much to overcome?
An avid reader of Romance and Suspense/Thrillers as well as the Classics, I decided to venture into the world of writing and self publishing.
I'm happiest at home with my wonderful husband and my 2 dogs or spending time with my kids/grandkids. Home is located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
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