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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Kiki Reader PR and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".
๐ Sydnee
My brother is an over controlling dick, that is making my life a living hell. I want to live my life the way I see fit but to him that is unacceptable. To him I need to be with one of his club brother’s so he can rule my life. But what he does not know is that I have fallen. I have fallen for the Enforcer of a rival club. Poison never tasted so good.
๐ Wreck
They call me the Enforcer because I will wreck someone in a heartbeat. When I meet this curvy redhead at a bar, I have the sudden need to protect her. I have never had the urge to protect someone I did not know. When I find out who she really is, the need to protect comes out in full force. The thing is, she is my enemy's sister. Protecting her could cost me my life. However, I am familiar with the taste of poison. She is the poison, and she is mine.
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Available on Amazon & #KindleUnlimited
Link: https://books2read.com/familartasteofpoison
My Thoughts:
Author includes a warning in her Note To Readers. After reading this story, it is important that you pay attention when a warning is issued.
Wreck gives us a look into what his MC chapter is all about. Syndee shows that not all women are cherished when it comes to the MC clubs. This is one of the darker Royal Bastards MC stories. If you follow this series than you already know what to expect. But if this will be your first experience, know that this has strong themes that could be a trigger for some.
You will know almost right away who the hero of this tale is but in her own way Syndee is also a hero when you think of all that she had to endure. There’s a small hint of paranormal that could have you wondering who that person is. You may have to put on your Sherlock Holmes hat to find out. This is a story that once you start will be hard to put down.
Our author is smart and doesn’t reveal anything until she is ready. She knows right where to put something that is going to make you sit up and take notice and wonder what is going to happen next. This is not a book to try and guess what our characters are going to do. You have to let them be the storyteller. For my first book from this author, she made me sit up and take notice. I look forward to seeing what she will come up with next in this MC world.

✔️Author’s Website: http://kristinedugger5.wixsite.com/kristinedugger
Giveaway: https://bit.ly/3ymHWaa
✔️Website/Series Links: https://www.royalbastardsmc.com/
✔️Follow the Royal Bastards MC here: https://www.facebook.com/royalbastardsmcbooks/

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