She’s fucking adorable.
Mila is still standing in the spot where I left her when I pass by the bookstore’s front window.
Grinning, I toss her a wink and keep walking, picturing the beautiful blush that stains her skin when she’s flustered.
I love how affected she is by me.
I knew Mila was gorgeous when I saw her from across the street yesterday, but up close… damn.
She’s a stunner.
Easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
And I get to see her again on Friday.
I came to the bookstore today hoping to see her even though I knew there was a good chance that she wasn’t available, but I had to shoot my shot. I’m fucking relieved she isn’t with somebody. It would have sucked if I put myself out there only to find out I didn’t stand a chance. I’ll admit, part of me can’t believe she agreed to go out with me, but I’m happy she did.
Halfway back to the garage, reality sets in.
What was I even thinking going in there?
Mila is sweet as hell, far too good for a roughneck like me.
I’m a felon for fuck’s sake.
No. Fuck that.
My criminal record doesn’t define me.
I have to stop letting my past rule my life. I’m more than some guy who got locked up for trying to defend someone who didn’t deserve it. I paid the price for my mistakes. I did my time and now I need to move on.
I deserve happiness as much as anyone else.
As long as I’m honest and don’t try to hide it, Mila doesn’t seem like the type that would hold my past against me. I’ll be up front with her about it and let the chips fall where they may.
I’ve got a good feeling about her.
“Who’s the girl?” Bishop asks as I walk into the garage.
My brows dip low in confusion and I look around the bay, not seeing anyone. “What girl?”
“The girl that put that goofy ass smile on your face,” he says with a knowing look. “Only a woman can make a man smile like that.”
I hadn’t realized I was smiling when I came in, but I feel one stretch across my face now.
“Her name is Mila.”
“From the bookstore?”
“You know her?” I ask, closing the distance between us.
“I know of her.”
At my look of surprise, Bishop rolls his eyes. “You said it yourself yesterday, Cross. Abbott Ridge is a small town.” He turns his attention back to the engine he’s working on. “Pass me that wrench.”
Knowing which one he wants without asking, I grab it and hand it over.
“The real question is…” He pauses to look at me. “How do you know her?”
Reaching behind me, I pull the book out of my back pocket.
Chuckling, Bishop shakes his head. “Should have known. Can’t believe you read that girly shit.”
“Don’t hate,” I tell him. “This girly shit just got me a date with perfection on Friday night.”
He eyes the book. “Well, hell. Maybe I need to pick up a new hobby. Mila’s a pretty girl.”
“Find your own pretty girl, Bish,” I say, popping him on the back of the head with the book. “Mila is mine.”
Fucker laughs. “It’s like that?”
“Damn right it’s like that.” I drop the book on top of the tool cabinet and grab a beer from the fridge. “I saw her yesterday when I was leaving the tattoo shop.”
“No doubt a gorgeous girl like that grabbed your attention.”
“Hell yeah. Would have talked to her yesterday, but she was on her way out. Almost got discouraged when I watched her drop into the passenger seat of a sweet ass ride, but decided to take a chance anyway.”
“Black Chevelle?” he asks, glancing up.
He nods. “Her younger brother, Mateo.”
“Damn, Bish,” I say, dropping my ass onto a stool. “You really do know everyone in this town. Bet you got all the good gossip.”
Bishop snorts. “I ain’t got shit. Mateo spent a lot of time here. Rented one of the bays so he could restore that beauty of his. He had the know-how, but needed somewhere to do the work.”
“I’d love to get my hands on that car.”
“Good luck with that. He won’t let anyone else work on it. Not even me.”
That makes me chuckle. “I respect that. Nothing more important to a man than his car.”
“And his girl,” he says, no so subtly turning the conversation back to Mila. “Where are you taking her?”

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