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Thursday, January 3, 2019

IndieSage PR Presents: Perdition by Jennifer Michael; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR

Love Unauthorized Series (Book 3)
Publication Date: January 24, 2019
Reading Order: (1) Deceit in Bloom, 
(2) Vengeance in Bloom, (3) Perdition
Cover Designer: The Final Wrap

In the eyes of a young girl with a crush, the perfect man exists.

After the events of the last year, she isn’t young or naive anymore. A brutal attack has left nothing but extreme darkness inside her that not even the people who love her the most can mend. A bus ride and a chance encounter have her shadowed path crossing with someone who nurtures the wildness within her as evil ravages her soul and a journey of self-medicating begins. Sometimes, you have to rip apart and tear away at layers of heartbreak and anguish to find a semblance of peace within the future.

Falling into a headspace so dark that there is no coming back.

Sinking into choices so self-destructive that her body, heart, and soul might never heal.

Spiraling down until she becomes her own worst enemy, inflicting further pain.

Pure evil takes away everything that makes her who she is. Cold touches from the hands of strangers and comfort in the form of injecting numbness straight into her veins can’t help her escape. Forget teetering on the edge of the wreckage.

She’s welcoming, inviting, seeking.

Nothing is ever perfect, and the same can be said here.

This is Teagan Hensley’s story.

Perdition deals with heavy topics of violence and emotional distress. The graphic scenes and the followup are intense and dark. Caution is strongly advised for those sensitive to physical and sexual violence, drug use, and depression. Strong language is also used throughout the story. You’ve been

Also in the Series:

About Jennifer Michael:

As a child, Jennifer Michael dreamed of being an author. Life and adulting pushed that dream down to a mere fantasy. Then, as a reader, she found the indie romance world, and the dream that had been long ago deemed unattainable became a reality.

Writing fulfills pieces of Jennifer she lost. She writes stories that range from sweet and sultry to dark and daring. Behind her computer, she’s constantly dreaming up where she’ll go next, not wanting to be put in a specific romance genre box. Pushing limits and striving to conquer wherever the characters take her is the ultimate methods to her madness.

Jennifer resides in southwest Florida where she wishes she spent much more time at the beach. She’s an avid reader of gritty books with deep emotion or dark, twisty plots and fond of more than a few guilty-pleasure television shows. She gets sucked into the world of characters from all mediums.


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