This is book 3 of the "Royal House of Shadows Series".
Our main characters are Prince Dayn who is the second son of the king of Elden. Alfreda Weston is a police officer who lives in Salem.
Right at the beginning, Jessica introduces the reader to the Wolfyn. They are ravenous shape shifters who are deadly beasts. Because of their habits, they need to be killed.
In this book, Dayn's father can mind speak to him and tells him what must happen to the Blood Sorcerer (the evil element from books 1 & 2). We also see that Dayn is considered a hunter.
Reda lives in a town that is known as a magical town. But Jessica makes Reda a non-believer. We first see Reda reading a book and for some reason she feels a connection to a guy who has green eyes. While reading, Reda says a "spell" that she learned as a child. After saying this "spell", Reda meets Dayn.
Jessica has Reda seeing things that no human should be able to see. It's made so realistic that you feel it's something that could possible happen to anyone. Then the action starts to happen.You can almost hear Dayn's snide attitude after his first confrontation with Reda. Reda doesn't believe what's going on - she hasn't hear a word that Dayn said. Even with all that, she still agrees to help Dayn. Would we behave the same way?
Jessica then gives us their first kiss. But just as it starts getting good, Jessica gives Dayn a conscience. But she also has a way of having her main characters compliment each other. She gives them a past full of hurt. But there is also something else there that seems to draw them together.
There is a part in the story that Jessica has put an obstacle in their way. When Reda first views it, you can just about hear her comment. Dayn, being an alpha male, has an interesting way of getting her to cross that obstacle.
None of the sex scenes were forced. They just flow within the story. They are made to feel natural. Reda and Dayn loved with no expectations from the other. But the heat that is generated between the two continues throughout the story.
In Jessica's book, she adds another evil element and her name is Moragh. Moragh is there to stop Dayn from fulfilling his objective. This prepares us for the fourth book - "Lord of the Abyss".
You will definitely want to finish out the series. I give "Lord of the Wolfyn" 4 1/2 stars.
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