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Monday, March 30, 2015

Pump Up Your Book Presents: Eileen Richards #CoverReveals

Eileen Richards Bio:
Eileen Richards has been writing for most of her life. Poetry, totally inappropriate answers to essay questions in school, and interesting error codes during her 30 year IT career has prepared for the manic world of publishing.
She writes sassy regency romps set in the small villages of England where the rules are bent a bit and gossip rules the day.
Eileen resides with her husband and their diva of a greyhound in North Carolina.

For More Information:
Visit Eileen’s website.
Connect with Eileen on Facebook  and Twitter.

An Honorable Wish Blurb:
After a disastrous season in London, Juliet Townsend returns home with a new focus – to be independent. Who needs to get married anyway? While her sister, Sophia, enjoyed her popularity, Juliet was planning a life on her own, and not under the thumb of some man. After a tragic carriage accident takes his best friend after a night of debauchery, Tony Matthews comes home to settle down, get married and find an estate to buy. Sophia, jealous of Tony’s attention to Juliet, issues the challenge and Tony is the prize.
Research for Juliet’s novel provides the excuse for spending time with Tony and keeps him away from her sister. The only problem is his kisses tempt her to give up her plan for independence, inciting a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling. When Tony finds out he’s been the prize in the game between the sisters, he’s furious. He retreats to his new estate. Juliet, now ruined, has no choice but go to Scotland until the scandal passes. Her letters of apology go unanswered. Her plan for independence no longer matters. She has lost real love and may never see it again. Sophia meddles again by letting it slip that Juliet might have to marry in Scotland. Tony goes to Scotland convinced she’s pregnant with his child and will only marry him. He convinces her he loves her and forgives her and that she’s free to write as many books as she wishes if she will only marry her. They marry in Scotland and return to Beetham as man and wife.

An Honorable Wish is available at Amazon

An Unexpected Wish Blurb:
Anne Townsend has given up on finding a husband for herself. At 27, she is firmly on the shelf and resigned to her fate.  Instead she’s settled with finding a husband for her beautiful sister. But a mischievous fairy derails all her plans by making her the most wanted young lady in the village. Suddenly she’s tripping over suitors and has no idea how to handle it.
Nathaniel Matthews has returned to Beetham for one purpose: to prevent his younger brother from an imprudent match to the daughter of his enemy. The elder Townsend played a key role in his father’s death.  Instead of preventing the marriage, he finds himself wildly attracted to Anne Townsend.
Anne is determined to resist all the overtures from the single men in the village save one. Nathaniel Matthews, the man preventing the marriage that would save her and her sisters from starvation, is the one man she can’t seem to resist.

An Unexpected Wish is available at Amazon

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Loving The Book Presents: Blondes, Books, and Bourbon by

We are excited to share this collection of short stories by Author R.M. Riddley! Come join us along this tour as we look over each story and get to know more about this author!

Blondes, Books, and Bourbon is a collection of short stories that we will be learning about over the next week. Each day is featuring one of these stories.

Today's Featured  Story is:  Bindings and Spines

A first chapter sneak peek of the second White Dragon Black novel.

R.M. Ridley lives with his wife on a small homestead in Canada, raising chickens and sheep. He has been writing stories, both long and short, for three decades, the themes of which range from the gruesome to the fantastical.

As an individual who suffers from severe bipolar disorder, Ridley is a strong believer in being open about mental health issues and uses his writing to escape when his thoughts become too wild.

Wendell (Book 1, 2014)
 Blondes, Books, and Bourbon (anthology, 2015)
 Bindings and Spines (Book 2, 2015)
Ridley's work has appeared in two Xchyler anthologies: "The Case for Custody" in Shades and Shadows: a Paranormal Anthology, and "Charon's Obol" in Legends and Lore: An Anthology of Mythic Proportions.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | About Me

WHITE DRAGON BLACK: Google + | Twitter


1. Please share how you came up with the concept for your short stories? Which of the stories was the easiest to write and which was the most difficult?

All of my writing comes from my Muse, I can’t construct a story myself. From my perspective, I don’t create my tales - I just record them. Now doesn’t that make me sound crazy? But it’s true – the majority of the stories I write, are idea’s that come to me as snippets of conversations, or little scenes that play out in my head as images. My challenge is to turn those into words that capture what I ‘see’.

In many ways, ‘The Ties that Bind’ was the hardest story to write, as I wanted a thread that connected it to the next novel, ’Bindings & Spines’ and yet allowed the story to stand all its own. That made for a challenge that I truly enjoyed.

The easiest one to write was probably, ‘Sins of the Father’. Being the first story written in that world, I had no restrictions, no rules, and no history. I didn’t have to keep anything straight, remember details, or worry about contradicting myself.  Of course, when I wrote it, I had no idea that it would spawn so many other short stories, and novels.
2. Please name some of your other published works?

Tomorrow Wendell - first White Dragon Black novel
Horror Library, Volume Three – ‘Blink the Blood Away’
Tales of the Talisman Magazine, Volume 1 Issue 4 – ‘Pigeon Pete’
Mental Wellness: Real Stories From Survivors – ‘Ceaseless Cycles’
Legends and Lore: An Anthology of Mythic Proportions – ‘Charon’s Obol’

3. What is your preferred writing genre?

I’m a paranormal / urban fantasy author mainly, but I cut my teeth with horror, and that will always have a dark spot in my heart. I’m sure my mind will churn out some further grisly morsels yet.

4. And preferred reading genre?

When it comes to reading, I’ll take just about any sort of spec-fic, as long as it’s well written. Sci-fi, horror, fantasy, alt-history – give me a well told story, and I’m yours for the duration.

5. What are your top 3 favorite books?

Ignoring how awful question that is to ask of any book lover, these are three I certainly always come back to, both physically, and in my mind:

‘The Dark is Rising’ by Susan Cooper was my favourite book as a child, and it still ranks in the top three.

‘Snow Crash’ by Neal Stephenson was an amazing journey meshing cyber-punk, ancient myth, and philosophy and thus must have a place here.
‘Someplace to be Flying’ by Charles de Lint, in many ways is one of my favourites of his works. There is a darkness to it that really appealed to me and it stepped away from some of the better known characters and giving a fresh view into an odd world.

6. Do you have any particular writing habits?

You mean good ones? I try to get my writing done at the beginning of the day. After enough coffee to find words, I sit down and write what my Muse deigns to share with me. That way, no matter what else the day throws at me, I have got the important part completed.

7. Do you have a playlist that you created while writing your story?

Yes, definitely. It grows and shrinks every so often, as songs no longer seem pertinent to the world, or I find new meaning in songs that inspire me. I also have subsets for the different moods Jonathan goes through and, of course, one for fight scenes.

8. Panster or plotter?

Panster – Absolutely Panster! If I even try to plan a chapter ahead, the entire train of thought comes to a painful screeching halt and I’m left, chin in hand, staring at a black page, listening to the sheep Baa.

9. Advice for writers?

I think there are two things that I would recommend, one is easy and the other sounds hard, but is actually just a change of mindset. First advice is a standard – Just Write. Get it down, and don’t look back until you’ve told the story. The second thing is - Learn to Love Edits. It sounds impossible, but editing is just writing from a different angle. It is the same process, same creativity, same weaving of words but you are doing it from outside the box instead of inside.

10. What's up next for you?

Any moment now, my editor, McKenna Gardner, who worked wonders with my first novel,
‘Tomorrow Wendell’ and acts of magic to get, ‘Blondes, Books & Bourbon’ together, is going to show up with a red pen, and a cattle prod.  This will be my cue that she intends to help me get the second White Dragon Black novel, ‘Bindings & Spines’, ready for publishing. Everyone should take a minute and thank McKenna for making these works exist, by the way.

Character Casting: Who would you cast for your main characters and why? Pictures would be great.

When I first started writing Jonathan I had an idea of him, his looks and manners, but no real face I could say ‘Like him’, that changed when I watched an episode of ‘Sanctuary’. There was a guest actor, who I knew well from watching SG-1 but who looked much different as this character. When I saw Michael Shanks, as he appeared in this role, I suddenly had a face for Jonathan.

March 22: The Play's the Thing

March 23: Cost of Custody - Author Interview AND Author's Top 10s Favorites List

March 24: Sins of the Father – Review AND Excerpt AND Character Casting

March 25: Legerdelivre - Excerpt AND Character Casting

March 26: Do as I Say Not as I Do - Review AND Author's Top 10s Favorites list AND Character Casting

March 27: What a Nightmare - Author's Top 10s Favorites List AND Character Casting

March 28: The Ties that Bind

March 28: Bindings and Spines - Excerpt AND Character Casting