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Monday, February 2, 2015

Blog Tour: Rebellion by Angela Fattig

Title: Rebellion (Standalone)
Author:  Angela Fattig
Publisher:  Kingsnake Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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In the time of Adam and Eve there was an Angel named Lucifer. He had deceived God’s newest creation and was banished from Heaven to serve in Hell.
Lucifer created many things himself, just as God had. The one that most terrifies man is the Incubi, a demon that comes down to prey on unsuspecting humans while they sleep.
The Elders were put in charge of the Incubi world. The Elders have strict rules. Go to Earth.
Impregnate a woman in order to rule all of Earth, as it was Lucifer’s plan to take control over all that God had created both Heaven and Earth.
Many centuries ago, an Incubus was created. He did not believe in the old ways and fought against them. The Elders had rules for such times if an Incubi refused to do what they were created for.
The Incubi would be banished to Earth to live like all Earth creatures lived, in their form, as Incubi were shape-shifters. There was one rule when banished, the Incubi was forced to live their life alone. They were not allowed to love, marry, or have a family, although for the incubus, he could still impregnate a woman, and the succubus could become pregnant, but if she shifted, that child would be lost.
The day ‘Nate’ was created they say it was the beginning of the rebellion. After he was banished to Earth, many more followed, as they too did not believe in the old ways.
There was just one thing the Incubi Elders failed to think of. The hand of God created Lucifer, the hand of Lucifer created demons. Therefore, the Incubi were the work of God.
If given the chance, they would serve God well.

About the Author:
Angela Fattig spent most of her childhood reading any book she could find. That's when her passion of writing was born. When she was 10, she started writing short stories and poems and kept quite a collection.
In 1998, she met Paul and they have shared a life together for 16 years. In 1999, she introduced the
world to her first born, Brandi, and again in 2000, Sarah.  Today, when she is not doing what she loves, writing, she spends time with her beautiful family and the addition of two dogs named Izzy and Herly.
Angela's inspirations have always been Stephen King, E L James, Poe, and many more.
Today, she resides in SW Iowa. She helps run Kingsnake Publishing with Amanda Kay along with her own book cover/trailer business, Cover Me Silly.

Kingsnake Publishing
Cover Me Silly Designs:
(Under Maintenance)


Book Trailer:

Blog Tour Schedule

January 18th
Obsessed By Books
Cricket’s Chirps
Words Turn Me On
January 19th
Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog
Romance Bytes
January 20th
Jess Clarke
January 21st
Watz Books And Teasers
January 22nd
Book Reviews And Giveaways
January 23rd
Books Are My Escape
January 24th
Jen’s Reading Obsession
Have Books Will Travel
January 25th
Quilton’s Blog
January 26th
Barbara Book Reviews
January 31st
Readers Heaven
Forest Of Dragons
February 1st
Willow’s Author Love
February 2nd
Padme’s Library
Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm 
Revenge Of The Feels
February 5th
Imaginative Dreams
February 6th
Shannon H
Sweet N Sassy BookAholics
February 7th
Amanda’s Blog

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