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Friday, March 17, 2017

IndieSage PR Presents: Suddenly Us by Marie Skye; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #Giveaway

Suddenly Us
by Marie Skye
Publication Date: April 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance


Love. Who needs that? Who would want that? Who hasn't had their heart split in two, because they were never their first option, and damn sure their second. I have. But I stayed. Why did I stay? It was love. I wanted to finally feel that I was wanted. It didn't matter if he thought I was worthless. It didn't matter if he degraded me, because he felt like it. Any love is better than no love...right?


Every day, I'm haunted and tormented. When, I look in the mirror I see a failure. A failure that let people that needed me down. I worry that it will happen again. If it happens to the people I care about the most, I don't think I could live with myself. Can I put my torturous past behind me and start to enjoy life? Especially now that I have a reason to live it?

About Marie Skye

I'm your average career driven woman by day, and a hidden lover of all things dirty by night. Or, as I like to say, professional by day; author whore by night.
I've always wanted to write, and, one day, decided: why not? After all, we all have a story to tell.
Marie Skye is my alter ego, but she's friendly, so feel free to contact her.


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