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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Perusing Princesses Presents: Same/Difference by D.D. Lorenzo; #ReleaseBlitz & #Giveaway


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Metamorphosis. An exquisite transformation. A necessary mechanism of evolution whereby the change is not only in appearance, but also behavior. My transformation possessed no beauty. Only pain. But just as the caterpillar morphs to a butterfly my strength is refined in the struggle, my flaws cocooned in the dark. If I survive the alteration my reward is to drink nectar and float on the breeze. Where I was once vulnerable, I will rise above. The same, but different. My name is Paige. I'm spreading my wings.


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7176653 DD Lorenzo is a contemporary storyteller of love and suspense. She likes to think of her books as "Romance with a Twist"! DD resides in Maryland, The Land of Pleasant Living. She met the love of her life in high school and decided to look no further. Together, they have raised an eclectic and amazing family. When she isn't writing stories, she is rooting for the Baltimore Ravens or the Baltimore Orioles. Her favorite pastimes include spending time with the great people in her life and riding to the Eastern Shore of Maryland in her husband's classic Mustang. DD is currently working on books 5, "Beauty is a Bitch". Just an FYI - Book 1 is a cliffie that concludes in Book 2. Books 3, 4, and 5 are stand alone novels. That will complete the "Depth of Emotion" series.

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You can find DD on FaceBook, Twitter, Goodreads and at


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Hype PR Presents: Kismet by A.E. Woodward; #SalesBlitz

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Katie’s world came crashing down in an instant.

Her husband, daughter, and unborn baby. . . all gone in a flash. The life that she’d come to know, gone before she ever really got to live it.

With a broken heart, she deals the only way she knows how, by shutting it all off. No communicating, no feelings, just pure nothingness.

Alone with nothing but her own thoughts and a well meaning family, she moves back to her childhood home, a horse farm. It’s there that she finds herself healing along with the horses her family rehabilitates. But when Parker McKenzie comes back into her life she’s reminded of all that went wrong, and all that she lost.

Will Katie ever begin to heal? Or will her secrets and loss be too much for her to overcome?

Perhaps, this is her kismet.


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About the Author

A.E. lives in Vacationland with her husband and two children. Between her real job and writing she finds little time to enjoy life's finer things. However in the free time she does manage to steal, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, and reading. A.E. is the author of Kismet and A Series of Imperfections: Imperfectly Perfect, Imperfectly Real, and Imperfectly Bad. She is currently writing her fifth book, Working Girl.

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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rock Star PR Presents: Taking the Lead by Cecilia Tan; #Promo, #Excerpt, #Giveaway & #Review

Title:  Taking The Lead 
by Cecilia Tan
Series:  The Secrets of a Rock Star, #1
Date of Publication: January 26, 2016
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from RockStar PR & Literacy Agency and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


When the rich and famous come out to play, nothing is off-limits . . .

Everyone knows Ricki Hamilton as the icy heiress living in a billion-dollar mansion, high up in the Hollywood Hills. But few realize that behind the gilded gates, Ricki is the mistress of LA's most exclusive private club. A place where no fantasy is forbidden and no one goes unsatisfied-except for Ricki. If she had her way, she'd leave the business behind . . . until she meets the one man with the power to change her mind.

The hottest rock star in the world, Axel Hawke, has the requisite sexy look and bad-boy reputation. Yet even his biggest fans have no clue just how decadently dangerous he can be. From the moment he meets Ricki, he knows there is no other woman who will satisfy him. He can feel the heat hiding beneath her cool demeanor and he's determined to stoke her flame.

Together Ricki and Axel indulge their every desire. The deeper they go, the more she craves. Submitting to Axel opens her eyes, and for the first time Ricki knows exactly what she wants. All she has to do is take it . . .

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"Okay, where were we?" Sakura drank a bit more of the sake. "Last time I'm going to say this: if Axel did anything sketchy, beyond carrying you off for a lark, anything that violated the rules of consent, then his name is mud in the BDSM community and you definitely shouldn't be inviting him to join your club. But nothing you've told me so far really sounds all that sketchy. He carried you off, you willingly had some light role play and heavy sex; you played the submissive role and had, if I'm not mistaken, some of the best sex in your life. And that's why you're upset."
"Because the sex was good?"
"Because you discovered that letting someone else be in charge is a turn-on for you. Ricki, let me assure you, being submissive in the bedroom isn't the same thing as being subservient or second-class to the pushy men in your life."
I dug in my heels. "That's easy for you to say because you're dominant."
She sighed. "The other thing is, really, if something's going on in your head, it's probably got more to do with you than with him. The way to straighten it out is to talk it out with him. Axel may be fairly new to serious dom role play but I know for a fact that he knows about aftercare."
Aftercare. I huffed. He'd tried to take care of me and I'd kicked him out. Sakura was making sense but I couldn't quite put it all together in my mind. It was a lot to take in at once. "Okay, I confess. The thing is, when I'm near him? All common sense flies out the window, Sarah. I literally can't get together with him to talk about this without melting into a puddle."
"Ahhh." She seemed to think that explained a lot. "Well. Have you tried calling him?"
"Of course I haven't. I don't even have his number."
"Yes, you do." She gave me a sly, knowing smile. "I programmed it into your phone before I gave it back."
"You sneaky thing!" I pulled my phone out to see if what she said was true: sure enough, there was an Axel Hawke in my contacts now.
There was also a text from Paul. Schmitt's pressing me to schedule an appointment with you, his message read. Y/N?
            "Tell him he can have an appointment with me after he gives me a slot to address the CTC board of directors," I said aloud.
Sakura sipped her tea. "Huh. Speaking of pushy men in your life. Schmitt?"
"How did you guess?" He couldn't want to talk about the upcoming kinky dungeon party. He'd want to meet with both me and Gwen for that. "I have no clue what he wants now. I guess I have to meet with him to find out."
"Don't be silly. Have Paul get an agenda from him. No agenda, no meeting. If the items are too sensitive to put on an agenda, well, that gives you the answer in another way."
"Right. Why didn't I think of that?"
"You've got to stop thinking of yourself as at the beck and call of these guys in suits, Rick'. Start thinking of yourself as the Queen of the Universe whom they all serve."
"What are you talking about? I'm already Queen Bitch of the Universe twenty-four-seven these days and I'm tired of it, Sarah."
"Tsk tsk. I didn't say bitch. You do pretty well with your staff; I've seen it. You're firm, fair, but very definitely in charge and demanding your due."
"But they're my employees. Of course I can be all leader-like with them."
"And I'm telling you, act like that with these executives and lawyers in the club or they're going to treat you like Cy's little girl forever." She set her sake cup down. "You're afraid that being a sub in the bedroom means you'll be submissive to these jerks, too? Don't let it happen. I don't care that they're three times your age. You can buy and sell every one of them. Act like it."
"I have a ‘game face,' " I said in my defense. "Ice queen."
"Drop the ice and just think queen. Think: crown on your head." She pointed to the top of her own head where a tiara would go and I felt myself sitting up straighter without even trying. "Demand their respect and you'll get it, Ricki. Axel already respects you a hundred times more than these assholes."
"Does he?"
I tried to imagine what getting on the phone with him would be like. Part of me longed to hear his voice again. But what exactly did I want to say to him? Could I make him understand the reasons why I couldn't be with him? Could I make him understand what was going on in my life? "I just don't know, Sar'. What do you say to a guy who's turned your whole world upside down?"
The door slid aside and there was our waiter with a gigantic wooden tray shaped like a boat in his hands, well laden with a display of fish as colorful and gorgeous as a jewelry display at Tiffany's. He sailed it onto our table, gave us another smile, and then retreated again. The arrival of such a feast distracted us completely from the fact that Sarah never answered my question.

About Cecilia Tan

Cecilia Tan is "simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature," according to Susie Bright. RT Magazine awarded her Career Achievement in Erotic Romance in 2015 and their prestigious Pioneer Award. Tan's BDSM romance novel Slow Surrender (Hachette/Forever, 2013) also won the RT Reviewers Choice Award in Erotic Romance and the Maggie Award for Excellence from the Georgia Romance Writers chapter of RWA. She lives in the Boston area with her lifelong partner corwin and three cats.

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Book Enthusiast Promotions Presents: Cake by Jove Belle; #PreOrderBlitz & #Giveaway


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Book Title: Cake 
Author: Jove Belle 
Genre: Erotic Lesbian Romance (novella) 
Release Date: February 20, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

book blurb

A sexy romance about two women, one inconvenient wedding, and a shared love of Cake!

Cake1600x2560Kelly and Elana’s relationship is a recipe for disaster. First, they meet at a wedding, and that never works. Second, Kelly’s older brother is marrying Elana’s ex-lover. And third, Elana is still painfully, undeniably in love with said ex.

When it comes to other people’s lives, Elana Verdad is an expert. As a licensed psychologist and life coach, she helps people overcome obstacles. Her own life, on the other hand, is a disaster. Her lover left her for a man, so she drove over his mailbox accidentally on purpose. Now, not only did the judge take away her driver’s license, he also assigned her to community service at the local women’s prison. In what may be her worst idea ever, Elana decides to crash their wedding.

Kelly Miller may not understand her brother’s rush to marry his girlfriend, but when he asks her to bake his wedding cake, it’s not as if she can refuse. She’s in the catering business after all. At the wedding, she meets a beautiful, complicated, and seriously damaged woman. Although Kelly knows it’s crazy, she’s drawn to her nonetheless.

Despite the reasons they shouldn’t be together, there’s still an undeniable something between them. All they need is a chance to enjoy their slice of the cake.

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meet the author

Jove Belle lives in Vancouver, Washington with her family. Her books include The Job, Uncommon Romance, Love and Devotion, Indelible, Chaps, Split the Aces, and Edge of Darkness.

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