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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Julie Shelton's Release Day Party and Giveaway

Hello and Welcome!!  We are kicking off this party with a little insight into the characters that make it up and a funny top 10!!  Take it away Julie:
                                                   WHAT’S IN A NAME?
Loving Sarah, my first book, started with a name.  Jesse Colter.  As soon as it appeared in my mind I knew that I would have to write a book about a man named Jesse Colter. I couldn’t stop thinking about him.  What would someone named Jesse Colter look like?  Smell like?  Sound like?  Be like?  For months I let him take shape in my thoughts until I felt I knew everything about him.  He’s 6’3”, black hair, half Native American, with skin the color of the sun shining on polished bronze, eyes so dark they look black.  Aquiline nose, high cheekbones, and a square jaw give his face a dark, brooding sort of intensity.  He’s strong, stalwart, a man of honor and integrity.  He exudes power and sensuality, commanding any space he occupies.
His childhood was horrendous, with no mother and an abusive, alcoholic father who used him as a punching bag.  By age nineteen, he was heading for a bleak, uncertain future.
And that’s when he met Sarah Marshall.  She was just thirteen when he rescued her from a thirty-foot fall out of a tree.  Their bond was instantaneous and unbreakable.  They couldn’t have been more different—she the daughter of a judge, descendant of English aristocrats, raised in the lap of luxury, he the mixed blood, illegitimate son of a Native American prostitute and the town drunk.
I felt compelled to tell his and Sarah’s story.  But stories often have a way of being hijacked by their own characters and Loving Sarah was no exception.  Imagine my surprise to learn that Jesse Colter was a sexual Dominant.  That his best friend, Adam Sinclair, another Dom, had also fallen in love with Sarah and was not content with being relegated to the role of sidekick.  He wanted his chance with Sarah as well.  Jesse Colter took over his own story, and Adam wasn’t far behind.  Even Sarah began making demands.  By the time I realized that I couldn’t possibly do these three characters justice in only one book, it was too late.  I had too much material.  In order to keep the finished book to a reasonable size (say, under eighty pounds) I was going to have to (gasp) leave stuff out! 
Now, asking an author to leave stuff out is like asking an Olympic runner to cut off a leg.  But that’s what I was faced with when, all of a sudden…(Hark!  Is that harp music, angelic choirs, rays of sunlight beaming through the clouds?)…why not tell their story over two books?  That way I not only wouldn’t have to leave stuff out, but I could write even more stuff!  Win-win, right? 
Hence, the publication (September 25) of Owning Sarah, the long-awaited sequel to Loving Sarah.  Both books are Siren M/f/M Menage Amours, BDSM Collection, both have a Heat Rating of Sextreme.  Order Owning Sarah at by October 2 and save 15%! 
Julie also wanted to share with you the top ten worst names for a
Top Ten Worst Names for any self-respecting, alpha-male, bad-ass hero Dom
10. Darnell
9. Percival
8. Cadwallader
7. Cornelius
6. Binky
5. Morris
4. Farquahr
3. Sherwood
2. Augie
1. Evelyn

I definitely agree with those!  Now let's take a look at Owning Sarah:

        Title: Owning Sarah
Author: Julie Shelton
Publisher: Siren Publishing
Length: 289 pages
Sub-Genres: Erotica
It’s been a month since Sarah Marshall was kidnapped and held at knife-point by her ex-fiance.  But Jesse Colter and Adam Sinclair, her two loving Doms, know that there is an even deadlier threat still out there—Ryder Malone.
He blames both Sarah and Jesse for sending him to prison eight years ago for attempted rape, and he’s determined to make them pay.  So, he begins a systematic campaign of terror and intimidation against them.  But the danger he poses doesn’t end there.
Set against the deepening love and commitment between Sarah, Jesse, and Adam, Owning Sarah is more than just a sexy, sensual, BDSM love story.  It is a harrowing race against time for Jesse, Adam, and a team of former SEALs to stop one of the biggest arms-for-drugs deals in U.S. history.  And to rescue Sarah before Malone sells her to a human trafficker and she’s lost to her men forever.
As she lay there, utterly ravaged, Adam rose above her, face shiny with her juices. He leaned down to claim her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her moist cavern, letting her taste herself on his lips and tongue. “Christ, Jess,” he exclaimed, pulling back his head to stare down at her, his expression filled with love, “she is delicious! I love the taste of her cum on my tongue. Here, taste it yourself.”
Omigod! Eyes wide with shock, Sarah swiveled her head around to watch as Adam continued rising above her, slanting his head to claim Jesse’s mouth in a hard, rapacious kiss.
Oh. Migod.
Curving his hand around the back of Jesse’s head to hold him in place, Adam began a brutal tongue-thrusting duel that sent the blood pounding through Sarah’s veins and thundering in her ears. She tried to swallow but her mouth was as dry as dust.
After what seemed like a millennium, the two men finally broke apart, breathing in sharp, rapid pants, staring at each other through half-lidded eyes. Finally, without breaking eye contact with Adam, Jesse’s voice, rough as sandpaper, said, “Is this turnin’ you off, sugar?”
Turning me off! Good Lord. “Are you kidding me?” she replied, her voice rough as sandpaper. “Turning me off? Are you crazy? That was absolutely, without a doubt, the hottest thing I have ever witnessed! Turning me off!” Her hand went to her chest then lifted to fan her face. “I have been fantasizing about the two of you making love for months—ever since I first saw you together. It just seemed so…so natural, somehow. Like it was meant to be. Like,” she hesitated, biting her lip, uncertain whether to continue.
Finally releasing Jesse’s gaze, Adam lifted up and backed down along Sarah’s body until his ass was sitting on his legs. Lifting her hand from her chest, he brushed his lips across the back of her knuckles. He was looking at her, one blond brow raised, a question in his lambent blue eyes. “Go on, sweet pea, spit it out. Total honesty, remember?”
She stared up at him, holding her breath until the words finally tumbled out of her. “Like you’ve done it before.”
“The question is, do you want us to do it now?”
The very thought ripped the air from her lungs, leaving her gasping for breath. Her gaze flew to Adam’s. Yes! Oh, God, yes! Sucking air slowly to the bottom of her lungs, she could only nod jerkily, as her ability to speak suddenly seemed to have deserted her.
Jesse chuckled in her ear. “Just lie in my arms, baby, and enjoy his mouth on you, as I will enjoy his mouth on me.”
Wait, what? At first his words mystified her, but then he placed his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her off his hips, pushing his cock down so that, instead of rising against her spine, it nestled firmly along the furrow of her slit, a tempting target for Adam’s mouth. The satiny smooth tip, shiny and red and dribbling pearly white pre-cum, was within easy reach of that mouth, and suddenly Sarah’s eyes widened with shock. Oh my God! Adam’s going to suck both of us off at the same time!
Never taking his eyes from hers, Adam bent his head and placed his mouth firmly over her clit, flicking it with his tongue, working it with his lips, making her shudder with pleasure as he drove her toward her peak, all while his chin, with its raspy five-o’clock shadow, manipulated the head of Jesse’s penis, making him moan. Adam took Sarah right to the edge of pleasure, her body surging upward, desperately reaching for orgasm. “Please,” she begged incoherently. “Please…”
“Not yet, love.” With exquisite timing, he lifted his head, watching the breath whoosh from her body like a deflating balloon as her orgasm receded.
Unable to hold back a sob, tears filled her eyes. “God, Adam, please. Please let me come.”
“Not yet, sweet pea.” He brushed her hair back off of her sweat-damp face. “First things first.” They stared at one another for what seemed like eons as her orgasm retreated, leaving only a tingling, sizzling sensation that made her feel electrified, as if she’d stuck her finger into a light socket. She wondered if her hair was standing on end.
Still looking at her, Adam bent his head again and planted a solid kiss on the head of Jesse’s cock, so red and shiny, so satiny smooth, so…right there! She swallowed. There it was. Sticking out between her pussy lips! Almost like it was part of her! Holy Moley! She squeezed a moan past the constriction in her throat.
With a low groan, Jesse stiffened beneath her, uncontrollably lifting his hips toward Adam’s mouth, his rasping breath sawing in and out of his lungs. Abruptly, he pressed his knees outward, a move that spread Sarah’s legs even wider. He slid his feet down the sheet toward Adam’s groin. Adam lifted his hips to facilitate Jesse’s search. As soon as he felt the velvet-covered iron bar of Adam’s cock, he curved his arches around it, and pressed the bottoms of his feet together, forming a tight tunnel.
“Jesus, Christ!” Adam yelped, arching his back and gasping with pleasure.
Sarah bit her lip. Unable to tear her eyes away from the raw sexuality of the scene being played out between her legs, she watched Adam’s tongue probe the dribbling slit in the tip of Jesse’s cock, delving deeply as though digging for buried treasure. The hum that erupted from the depths of his throat sent vibrations reverberating through Jesse’s shaft and balls, forcing him to suck in a hissing breath between his teeth as his neck arched and his jaw clenched in pleasure. “Christ, Adam—”
Adam just smiled and swallowed the entire head of Jesse’s cock, flexing his cheeks as he applied suction.
“Jesus!” Jesse’s cock thickened and jerked.
“Raise her hips and hold her up so I can take all of you in,” Adam instructed.  Cupping her bottom, Jesse lifted her hips while at the same time scooting farther down the bed, a move that had his cock popping up between her legs like a pop-tart from a toaster. As Adam lowered his head, engulfing Jesse’s enormous rod, his nose brushed through Sarah’s wet, swollen pussy. The sweet, fruity aroma of her arousal, mixed with the scent and taste of Jesse’s musk, bombarded him with a whirling maelstrom of sensuous aromas. Jesus Christ on a cracker! This is going to be epic!
Buy Links:
About The Author:
Julie has always loved stories, both reading and writing them, ever since she was old enough to hold a book in her hands.  One of her favorite childhood activities was smuggling books under the covers to read by flashlight after she was supposed to be asleep.
A career as a children’s librarian eventually led to her dream career as a freelance storyteller and puppeteer, a business she operated successfully for twenty-five years.  During that time she created and wrote all the original material for a monthly language arts newsletter full of poems, songs, puppet and flannel-board stories, fingerplays, and other resource material for early childhood educators.  For that endeavor she won the prestigious EDPRESS Award for the best educational newsletter of 1982.  She has also written other resource materials for preschool and early elementary teachers.
After moving more than two dozen times in her life, Julie lives in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.  Now widowed and retired, she once again has time to devote to her two favorite things—reading and writing—especially her new love, erotic romances.
Julie Shelton 

This book looks fabulous!!!  Now what is a party without prizes?    Julie is giving away 3 signed print copies of Loving Sarah, which is book 1 in the series:

Eight years ago Jesse Colter fled his small town, leaving behind eighteen-year-old Sarah Marshall, broken-hearted and devastated. Now a retired Navy SEAL, he’s back and he wants only one thing—Sarah Marshall—preferably bound, naked, and on her knees before him. 

She has never forgotten Jesse. He’s been the object of all her sexual fantasies since she was fifteen, as well as the star of nightly dreams that have become increasingly erotic over the years. So when he suddenly reappears in her life, she is torn. Can she trust him not to hurt her, or will he once again break her heart? Warily, she agrees to let him introduce her to his world—the world of bondage, Domination, and erotic slavery. When he also introduces her to his best friend, Adam Sinclair, Sarah faces a daunting future of sexual submission to two powerful alpha males. 

But Sarah faces an even bigger challenge. Someone is stalking her. Is it the old enemy who’s just been released from prison? Or is it someone else from her past who is determined to destroy any chance she has at happiness? Can Adam’s and Jesse’s love protect her? Or will her world explode in a cataclysm of betrayal and violence that will destroy them all? 


“Greedy little sub,” Adam chuckled. He manipulated her slick, swollen pussy lips, sliding them back and forth until one of the frozen red grapes popped from its dewy prison. It sat, glistening lewdly, nestled between her sopping wet lips like some obscene sex organ. “Do not come,” he instructed quietly, working his tongue beneath the grape and sliding it all the way up her slit. He flicked it rapidly across her frazzled clit before pulling the small fruit into his mouth and chewing noisily. 

She was gasping like a beached fish, desperately trying to hold off her climax. 

“Do not come,” he repeated, squeezing another grape free and looking at it for a long moment before taking it into his mouth. “God, you taste delicious,” he murmured, sliding his tongue back and forth along the length of her slit, just barely touching that nerve-ridden nubbin of flesh that was the center of both her pleasure and her torment. “Like sunshine and flowers and sweet, sweet cream.” 

She lay there, shuddering and twitching as he tunneled his tongue into the depths of her 

cunt, releasing two more grapes and sending her body spiraling up, up, up toward the orgasm that hovered so tantalizingly out of reach. The orgasm she so desperately craved, yet knew she must not have. The one she fought with every trembling muscle in her body. 

Adam pushed her right up to the edge. Then stopped. 

He straightened, watching her entire body shudder helplessly as yet another orgasm retreated. He reveled in the power her submission gave him. Power to control, to direct, to manipulate. Power to render her helpless against her body’s own dark needs even as he drove her to the ultimate in sexual pleasure. “You do not have permission to come,” he reminded her as, one by one, he pulled more round red globes into his mouth. He released her pussy lips and stood up to allow Jesse to take his place. 

A sob heaved from her lungs as she frantically fought her body’s brutal need to climax. 

Jesse spread her labia apart with his thumbs, revealing her entire slit from her clenching ass hole at the bottom to the portal of her vagina and her clit at the very top. Her flesh was pink and swollen and dripping with the cream of her arousal. By now the remaining grapes were held firmly in place within her vaginal walls. Jesse rubbed his nose along her cleft, lapping his tongue at her dripping entrance, making her shudder and squirm. Placing his palm over her mound, he pressed down. “Push,” he said and a grape popped out onto his tongue. 

He bit into the crisp flesh and was rewarded with a burst of tart sweetness that blended with Sarah’s own unique flavor, making it the most delicious treat he’d ever eaten. He ate all the remaining grapes, taking his time to dig each one out, finger-fucking her, building her arousal to a fever pitch. By the time he finished the last one, she was moaning and writhing and burning with the need to come. “Please, Jesse,” she begged, her voice hoarse with passion. “Please….” 

“Please what?” he asked perversely, grinning as he slowly circled his finger around her clit, manipulating the surrounding flesh without actually touching the pearl itself, keeping her teetering on the edge, frantic and desperate. 

It was pure torture and she gritted her teeth and stiffened her muscles in a losing effort to 

keep her climax at bay. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. “Please let me come,” she begged. 

“I don’t know.” Jesse tilted his head, appearing to consider. As he did so, he began tapping his thumb repeatedly against her clit, increasing her suffering a hundred-fold. 

Oh. My. God! The breath shuddered from her lungs. Her muscles clenched so tight she feared she‘d never get them to relax again. She squirmed as her need to climax threatened to swallow her alive. 

“Whaddya think, Adam? Has she earned the right to come?” 

Sarah’s beseeching gaze flew to her other tormenter, who gave her a sly smile as he reached for her clamped breasts. “Yeah. She’s been a pretty good girl.” 

“Then come for us, Sarah,” Jesse toggled her clit, Adam released the clips on her nipples, and she let out a shriek as her orgasm hit her with the force of an avalanche, blasting through her, leveling everything in its path. Her back arched into a rigid bow as pleasure clenched her muscles so tight, she thought she heard bones snapping. And while she was still screaming and jerking about wildly, Jesse stood and unzipped his jeans, freeing his iron-hard cock. Grabbing her hips, he thrust into her, stroking savagely in and out until she came again, her muscles clamping around him so tightly his eyes crossed. 

And again she came, with tremors so violent they rivaled a magnitude 10 earthquake, 

even as Jesse spilled his seed deep inside her. He pulled out and Adam took his place until he, too, climaxed, emptying himself inside her still-convulsing cunt. He remained deeply buried, rocking his hips hard against her, letting the long, liquid pulls of her inner muscles milk every last drop of come from his pumping cock. There was so much it splatted onto the floor in thick, milky blobs. Finally, with a hoarse cry, he pulled out, staggering backwards to collapse into the chair behind him, his hand still stroking his dwindling cock, wet and slick with the combination of all their juices. 

Sarah flopped back on the table, jerking like a spastic marionette, totally spent, wondering desperately where all the oxygen had gone. 

She was dimly aware of Jesse scooping her up off the table and flopping into the nearest chair with her straddling his lap, holding her close, crooning softly in her ear. His voice came at her from a great distance, gradually fading until there was nothing but silence. She had passed out. 








Just fill out the rafflecopter below to enter!!!  Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway \

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