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Monday, May 21, 2012

Master's Hunt by Verity Ant

No Boundaries Press
205KB; 120 pages
Rating:  4 ½ stars

Renee and Kevin are seen in a pool having a good time.  Amiko is also with them.  I give her kudos for wearing nipple clamps.  Kevin is a very lucky man.  He’s got not one but two women to love.  And then the phone rings and interrupts everything.  Kevin is their Master.

You get to see why Kevin’s a Master when you see him dealing with his sister’s doctor.  His sister Lori is very sick and we see to what lengths Kevin will go to in order to take care of her.  He may live a certain lifestyle but that doesn’t stop him from caring about the women in his life.

Verity gives us glimpses of their lives outside their little circle.  Some stories like this get lost in the sex and Verity shows us that her characters actually do something outside of the bedroom.  We also see what Kevin’s sexual preference is.

Renee and Amiko love how Kevin treats them and how they all love each other.  They are true submissives. Do you and your partner use sexual punishments?  Do you think you would enjoy something like that?  Are you curious about the BDSM lifestyle?

This is a very explicit and sexually charged story.  It is not for the “faint of heart”.  Some of what they do may put you off but remember that’s the way they choose to live.  I hope you will give this story a chance.  If you like to watch porn, this is a couple of steps above that.  This has a better story line than those movies you may see “on demand”.

Verity has also included some mystery and intrigue in the story when Amiko seems to have disappeared.  Again, we see that even though Kevin is the Master he has deep feelings for Amiko.  But he doesn’t let Renee feel left out.  They are a family.

This is also a story about obsession and what lengths some people will go to in order to get what they want.  When reading this story, you must let all your inhibitions go.  Sexual toys are used and there is some pain involved.  But pain can also bring pleasure if done correctly.  Has any of that ever sexually aroused you?  Maybe this story has made you curious.  Has Verity made you a fan?  I am.  If you still need something to help you decide, please watch this YouTube trailer.


  1. Thank you for that marvelous review, Lynn!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to reading more of your work. Fan of your web site as well.

  2. Great review of Master's Hunt. I'm not a fan of pain, but I am a fan of Verity Ant. This book opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at love and alternative life styles. And Kevin is one of the sexier heroes I've read. Kudos, Verity!

    1. Thank you for visiting Jenna. I was glad I had the chance to review Verity's story. It was the first piece of work that I have read of hers. Looking forward to reading more.

    2. It's good to see you here, Jenna. Thanks so much!

  3. Like Jenna, I'm not a great fan of pain, but Verity writes with a truthfulness that can only come from experience, and I admire her for her honesty as well as her talent. I think it's impossible for anyone to be bored when reading one of Verity Ant's stories, and if you like BDSM as well as strong Doms, this is definitely a book for you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Kathryn. One thing I love about the blog stops is that it's a chance to find out about author's you've never read before and new stories you may never have read before.


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