Rating: 4 Stars
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from TRSOR Promotions and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".
Want to meet a “Real Seal?”
Hero Hair is NOW LIVE & Free on Kindle Unlimited!
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Everyone knows there is no “I” in team, but to Macs Newstead--orgasm-gifting, muscle-filled Navy SEAL hero--there are more important words than team. Words like victory and vanity and selfishness. People say those words like they are a bad thing, but to Macs, they’re simply tools in his highly effective arsenal. When a man’s entire existence revolves around the necessity to end lives, silly, mundane things like second dates or monogamy seem worthy sacrifices.
Downward facing dog or doggy-style--it’s all the same to Teala Smart, a whip-smart yoga instructor. She owns her studio like she owns her life--with focus, positive energy, and pure devotion. That devotion, however, does not trickle into her love life (or more accurately, her lust life.) Relationships are a roadblock to her success. They get in the way and tangle up emotions more than the lotus pose tangles up limbs. Men are best kept just for a night and then released into the wild before feelings get too messy.
HERO HAIR, the second novel of International Bestselling Author Rachel Robinson’s THE REAL SEAL SERIES, is the account of an life-altering journey detailing the awakening of two hollow hearts, both set on taking their own pleasures without any emotional attachment. The ruthless SEAL finally meets an enemy he can’t defeat, and both Macs and Teala find, against their wishes, and despite atrocious circumstances, a chemistry so explosive it leaves nothing but deconstructing love in its wake.
My Thoughts:
Teala Smart is teaching something that I could really use right
about now. She makes no excuses as to
who she is and what she wants out of life.
Her friends have an interesting description for her – not normally used
to describe women. Macs is looking for
something – or someone – more. He and
his friends talk about women as if they’re entertainment.
The good news with this book was that at times I had to chuckle
about how Teala feels about men. She’s a
woman who is trying to have her business succeed and fit in a personal life
when she can. At times, I felt like her
attitude was more male then female. I
had to go back and re-read some of the scenes because I thought that I had
misunderstood what I was reading. In a
way, that is a prejudiced view because we expect women to act a certain
way. There’s a scene where Teala kind of
addresses that issue. It’s kind of a
wake up call – why should we expect men and women to look and act a certain way. But Macs’ friends remind me that some things
never change.
I may not have felt any type of connection with this story but
that won’t stop me from reading more of this author’s work. She did pique my interest into what this
series is about and who the other SEALs are.
There’s only one other book currently out, Black and White Flowers, and one coming out this summer, Life Plus One. Even though this book is number two in the
series, I didn’t feel that I needed to read book one in order to understand or enjoy
Teala and Mac’s story.
“Still want to have our third date?” he asks, pulling his t-shirt up to expose his abs. He bites the dark, cotton fabric, like men in fashion magazines do. With his abs flexed he poses so casual, so fucking drool-worthy, so over-the-top, and he gets away with it. He tosses the shirt onto the counter, with his tongue caught between his teeth.
I blow out a breath. It’s as hot as a Channing Tatum movie. More so, because I can actually touch this body–can do whatever I want with this body. “How am I supposed to say anything but yes when you don’t play fair? You’re over there with your goddamn abs and dimples and precision stripping skills.” I motion to his body.
“Babe, you played dirty first. Your mouth is like a fucking dirty poker game. One you’ll win every single time.”
I wrinkle my forehead. “Thanks I guess. Third date?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” he says.
About the Author:
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Great review. Thanks for sharing. It is hard for me if I cant feel any connection to the characters and the story. I might skip this book but I'll check this author's other books. :)