When cattle rustlers steal Storm’s cattle, two different ranchers offer help. Now Storm is in danger of losing more than her ranch.
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1- When did you know you wanted to write books? I read a series of books about seven years ago that immersed me in their world so completely that I wanted to know how the author did that. So I started researching and writing.
2- What does your writing process look like? I come up with a hero, a heroine, three disasters, and an ending. I use the disasters as markers along the way and discovery write the story and characters. I’m a putter-inner. I cycle back through my story adding layers. Usually dialogue comes first, then I cycle back and add in the staging, then the emotion. I do all this as I write the story so that when I’m finished I have a pretty good story. Then I do one more pass adjusting all the details for consistency. Then I read again for typos and send it out to a few trusted readers. I make the changes they suggest, get it proofread and publish it.
Let's get to know the author.
Top 10
1. Sledding with my children
2. Water Skiing
3. Running
4. Getting lost in a book
5. Finishing a race
6. Lasagna
7. Laughing with my children
8. Weeded flower beds
9. Fresh Cantaloupe
10. The smell of fall
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