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Sherry and her wonderfully supportive husband, currently call Upstate New York home, which is also the setting for her novels. It is where they are raising their family. Sherry has a degree in Legal Assisting, and served as a medical technician in the Air Force. She and her husband worked in foster care for a number of years, from which they adopted their youngest son. She has worked in the education system for a number of years, and is currently lucky enough to be teaching teenage girls, ages 12-18. She has lived in Michigan, California, Utah, Texas, Pennsylvania, and the beautiful, but over-taxed state of New York where she has spent the last eleven years, and now considers home. It is where she spends her nights writing instead of sleeping :}
Her Blog is:www.WordpaintingsUnlimited.com
Question and Answer with the Author
3. How did you come to write this particular book or series?
This story, Not So Easy, started out as a short story and the ending was entirely different. As I wrote it, the book took on a life of it’s own. It turned into this driving force to make a story that would help others through rough times. Now it is a full length novel, and is the story I am most proud of.
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“Wait! I have the perfect line. ‘Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.’
What do you think?” Leo asked.
What do you think?” Leo asked.
Max looked at his best friend since kindergarten and rolled his eyes. “Anything’s better than ‘my love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in,’ but it’s still stupid.
Do you actually get dates with pickup lines like that?”
Do you actually get dates with pickup lines like that?”
“Do you ever see me with a girl on my arm?” he replied painfully.
“Lisa York,” Max pointed out. Leo rolled his eyes. “She’s cute, so what’s the problem?”
“She’s a clinging vine. Every time we go out she hangs all over me. It’s smothering. Besides, the only reason she’s going out with me is to get to you.” Leo kicked a discarded
plastic water bottle over next to a garbage can.
plastic water bottle over next to a garbage can.
“That’s not true.”
Max shook his head and glanced casually over at Emma McKay in her white t-shirt and blue jogging shorts. She moved to Port Fare a month ago and Max became immediately enamored with her. He knew that she drove a cherry red Acura, that she hated history class, and that she came to the park every other day to run.
He knew everything about her, yet he’d never spoken a word to her.
Max shook his head and glanced casually over at Emma McKay in her white t-shirt and blue jogging shorts. She moved to Port Fare a month ago and Max became immediately enamored with her. He knew that she drove a cherry red Acura, that she hated history class, and that she came to the park every other day to run.
He knew everything about her, yet he’d never spoken a word to her.
All that was about to change. He brought Leo along for support, wishing now he hadn’t. His stupid pickup lines only made Max more nervous.
“Okay. I’m going to give you my best line,” his friend said heroically. “I’ve been saving it for
just the right girl, but since you are my best friend and all, I’m going to let you have it.”
just the right girl, but since you are my best friend and all, I’m going to let you have it.”
Max pinched his eyes shut, preparing himself for another stupid line. After Leo finished, Max opened his eyes, surprised. “Okay. Maybe that one,” he conceded.
“I know. It’s a good one. Now you better get over there. She’s almost done stretching.” Leo pushed Max toward Emma. “And don’t forget to trip.”
Max jogged over to Emma who stood taking a long draw on her water bottle. He ran up to her, took a deep breath, and following Leo’s advice he pretended to trip. As he stumbled a
few steps, Emma reached out to stable him.
few steps, Emma reached out to stable him.
Max drew on his best smile, swallowed the lump in his throat, and said, “I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you.”
Emma’s hand flew to her mouth as she covered her giggle. “Does that line actually work?”
“You tell me.” Max hoped she didn’t notice how red his ears were.
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