Title: Nobody’s Business
Author: by M.J. Kane
Series: The Butterfly Memoirs
Publisher: 5
Prince Publishing
ISBN: 9781631121203
Pages: 246
Date: July 02, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Told in the first person.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book
for review from Loving the Book and the author.
I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive
review. The opinions I have expressed
are my own. I am posting this in
accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of
Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

M.J. Kane stumbled into writing. An avid reader, this once stay-at-home mom never lost the overactive imagination of an only child. As an adult she made up stories, though never shared them, to keep herself entertained. It wasn’t until surviving a traumatic medical incident in 2006 that she found a reason to let the characters inhabiting her imagination free. Upon the suggestion of her husband, she commandeered his laptop and allowed the characters to take life.
It was that, or look over her shoulder for men caring a purple strait jacket. And the rest, as they say, is history.
No longer a television addict, if M.J. isn’t reading a book by one of her favorite authors, she’s battling with her creative muse to balance writing and being a wife and mother. She resides in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia with her high school sweetheart, four wonderful children, and four pit bulls. During the day, MJ is a librarian, in her spare time she is director of a local writer’s group, or online connecting with readers and other authors. Other activities she enjoys include: creating custom floral arrangements, assisting her children in their creative pursuits of music and art, and supporting her husband’s music production business, 3D Sounds. MJ’s debut novel, A Heart Not Easily Broken, Book one of the Butterfly Memoirs, became an instant Amazon Bestseller in Multicultural Romance and African-American Literature and Fiction within hours of publication. It has also spent time on the African-American Women’s Fiction and African-American Romance Bestsellers lists.
You can find MJ on social networking sites, sharing writing tips, talking about music, life, and family. She’s always excited to meet new people.
Connect with her via the websites below:
Connect with her via the websites below:

Trevon Campbell’s world changed the moment his ex-girlfriend announced he was a father. Determined to make up for his past mistakes, he gives Trina what she
wanted before their breakup, what feels like his soul, which means forgetting the woman he had a one-night stand with, the woman who stole his heart.
Kai Malone doesn’t want to play by her family’s rules. Instead of working for the family business, she became a firefighter. Being a female of multicultural descent, working in a field dominated by men, Kai focuses on her job to ignore the infidelity of her fiancé. Tired of his deceit, she gave in to a one-night stand with a complete stranger, someone she’d never have to see again…or so she thought.
When tragedy strikes, their worlds collide, leaving them no choice but to deal with each other again. It doesn’t take long for them to realize the attraction that brought them together the first time is stronger than ever, forcing
Trevon to make the biggest decision of his life.
Trevon to make the biggest decision of his life.
Buy the book here!
Amazon: Nobody's Business (The Butterfly Memoirs Book 4) - Kindle edition by M.J. Kane. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Barnes and Noble: Mj Kane | Barnes & Noble
iTunes link; Nobody's Business
This story shows how intertwined
our lives can be with those around us.
It also shows how tragedy can change things. And it can also be considered a wake up call
about our morality – some things you just can’t predict. This is one of mixed emotions and the same
would hold true in real life. But during
sad times, something good can also happen.
One thing I loved about this
story was how the author gave Kai a position that would mostly belong to men. It shows how much both society and romance
novels have changed. Our author has
written a story that will take you a couple of days to read. You don’t want to rush your experience, and
that includes skipping around. And you
certainly don’t want to miss the ending that will have you smiling. My one disappointment is that I’ve missed out
on reading the first three books in this series. The author lets you know that the next book
comes out next year. So if you’re like
me and have missed out on the other books, you’ll have plenty of time to catch
Shrieks from the backyard drew my attention. Kids were everywhere, along
with their parents. Water was flung back and forth by all parties as kids ran
around trying their best to shoot miniature water guns at their parents, mainly
their dads, who had Super Soakers. The activity was perfect for this time of
the year. The heat and humidity would normally run people indoors, but add a
bit of water and you had the perfect excuse to be outside. Talk about unfair.
I smiled at the sight, and again regretted listening to Ricky’s advice
of wearing skin tight jeans and heels. Rough housing was my element.
And then I saw Malik.
All six-foot-two of sexy. He was soaked from head to toe, his thick,
light brown curly hair glistening as if he’d just gotten out of a pool. His
white t-shirt clung to his chest highlighting every ounce of chiseled muscle.
He chased his nephew around for a moment, but stopped to wipe water out of his
eye. And wouldn’t you know, he glanced towards the patio door, saw me looking
at him, then smiled that halfcocked smile I used to love.
And here I stood, dressed to kill and ogling his sexy frame.
“He’s been here for a while.” Sharice peered over my shoulder. “Can’t
say I blame you for the late arrival. I wouldn’t be in a hurry to see my ex either.”
I kept my groan internal, then turned and walked back into the kitchen.
Times like this made me wish Sharice had someone else as a brother-in-law. No
matter how much I tried, I would never be able to avoid him. Serves me right
for dating someone in my close circle of friends and family.
“Is there something I can do to
help out? I’m not in a rush to go outside.” I looked down and realized my hands
were shaking. I don’t know why. It wasn’t like Malik Lafitte was God’s gift to
If he was, it was a cruel joke on us all.
“Sure. You can put ice in the cups. They’ll be wrapping up soon then
coming inside to eat.” Her hand went to my shoulder. “Take your time. I’ll let
Kelli know you’re here.”
I nodded my thanks and went to work. The plastic cups sat in a row on a
tray. I scooped ice with an empty one and tried my best to focus on the work
and not the man outside the door.
It wasn’t long after Sharice left that I heard the sliding glass door
open and prayed it wasn’t Malik coming inside.
“Where’s the bag?”
I knew that voice. Though it was only one night, the smooth and sexy
cadence had been burned into my memory. My body tingled as I bit my lip and
forced myself to look over my shoulder. Damn, he still looked good.
“Trevon?” Somehow, I managed to be the one to speak first. I cursed on
the inside.
A pair of eyes so brown that they drew me in every time I saw him turned
in my direction.
“Kai?” His gaze ran over me before meeting mine again. “Hi…you
Unable to look away, I swallowed hard. “Thanks. You, too.”
That was an understatement. Like Malik, Trevon was soaked from head to
toe as well. The only difference was his sexy brought on memories of our time
spent in bed.
Back before we realized we ran in the same circles. It seemed I was a
magnet for disastrous relationships.
He glanced down at his attire, then chuckled. “Uh, thanks.”
Despite of our past encounters, I decided this time I would be the
bigger person. I plastered on a smile and ignored the memory of his fingertips
sliding over my bare shoulders.
“Let me
guess, Junior did that.”
Laughter left his face, his attention going back to the door leading to
the festivities. “No, it was my─”
“Tre?” A new voice entered the kitchen, and with it, a woman wearing a
bathing suit and shorts. She carried an adorable little boy on her hip. She
wiped water from his face. “Where is your daddy?”
It was a struggle to close my mouth.
The little boy was a spitting image of his father.
I looked back at Trevon who now looked away as if he’d been caught in a
“Tre, where’s the bag? Justin is getting cold.”
“Right, the bag. I think we left it in the car. I’ll be right back.” He
disappeared down the hall, leaving me and the un-named woman alone in the
She sat her son on the empty space of the counter, then ran her hands
over his shoulders. “It’s okay. Mommy is going to get you warm as soon as daddy
gets a towel.”
Trevon had a son and a wife?
I swallowed my disappointment and went back to putting ice in cups.
‘I don’t lie’…his words echoed in my mind from the conversation had the night we met.
The night we slept together and played his five question game.
‘Do you have kids?’
His response, ‘No, but I want
Our encounter had been less than a year ago. Judging by the age of the
little boy, he’d been lying.
After all that crap he talked that night, he managed to prove my point.
The existence of any good man was a fantasy.
“Yo, Tre,
what are you doing outside? The party is in there, man.” The groom stumbled,
caught himself against the door jamb.
chuckled. “Shaun, you’re drunk.”
what? It’s my party.” He raised his beer bottle and gulped the remaining
liquid. “Tomorrow, I’ll be a married man.” He grinned like an idiot.
I tilted
my head, raised an eyebrow. “Are you happy about that…or sad? Right now it
could be a toss-up.”
He grinned, then spied the empty lawn chair beside me, stumbled his way over
and plopped down. His butt nearly hit the ground. “Whew!”
I shook
my head and watched my fraternity brother as he got comfortable. Shaun’s hair
was disheveled from the stripper who’d worked her magic in his lap. The frat
brothers decided to give him a proper send off by hiring a few girls for the
night. Everyone knew his fiancé wouldn’t approve, so we went out of our way to
keep it a secret. The look on his face when the women showed up an hour into
what appeared to be a humble bachelor party was priceless.
this brother’s enthusiasm for the arrangement was intriguing.
The idea
of marriage was something I avoided. The opportunity had presented itself once,
and I gladly declined. The consequences that followed had been…well…the word
itself didn’t have a positive connotation.
if you’re happy, why in the hell are you drunk right now?”
struggled to sit up and faced me. “Honestly? To keep myself out of trouble. If
I’m drunk, I won’t be tempted. I can’t start my marriage with a guilty
conscience.” He grinned as if his idea was a no brainer.
I guess
in some twisted way, his logic made sense.
burped, then fell back in the chair and closed his eyes. “So when are you gonna
bite the bullet and find Mrs. Campbell?”
I barked
out a laugh. “Mrs. Campbell? I have yet to find a woman to fill that position.”
I tilted my bottle up, and drank deep.
“Can I
tell you a secret?”
glanced at Shaun; his eyes were still closed and his words had begun to slur.
turned his head in my direction and forced his eyes open. “She’s not going to
be perfect,” he said in a drunken whisper. “If that’s what you’re waiting on,
you’ll be alone for life. You gotta remember…you’re not perfect either. Accept
her faults like you want her to accept yours.” He winked, then closed his eyes.
Seconds later, he was snoring.
wasn’t new. I knew from the get go that no woman would be perfect. God knows I
had my own faults.
The real
question was what was I looking for? Would I know when I found her?
My chest
tightened at the memory I fought to ignore. The memory of the exotic beauty of
the woman who stole my heart the moment our eyes had connected.
We spent
one night together, then she was gone.
When our
paths crossed again, she broke my heart.
Not only
had she lied about her name, she forgot to mention a small detail about her
She was
To make
matters worse, she was engaged to my best friend’s brother.
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