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Friday, April 5, 2019

Candi Kane PR Presents: Enthralled by Giana Darling; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Release Date: March 29, 2019
Rating:  3.5 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Candi Kane PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


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It was the biggest day of my life.
I know most people say that about something joyous; a graduation, a wedding ceremony, the birth of their
first child. My situation was a little different.
Sure, it was my eighteenth birthday, but it was also the day that I was sold.
Sold to a man with hair like a crown of gold and eyes blacker than the darkest pits of Hell.
He bought me to own me, to control me, and to use me as a means to an end.
I was his tool and his weapon.
And through it all, somehow, I also became his salvation.

My Thoughts:

Cosima Lombardi is unsure of what her future will hold. Alexander Davenport is very blunt about what he expects. This was a tough story to read from beginning to end. If not for Cosima, I don’t know that I would have made it to the end.

Her treatment was very disturbing – nothing sexy or even remotely romantic about it. It’s more than what you think dominance to be. Within the darkness she still had a strong will – I hope I would do the same. But if you’ve been in an abusive relationship this may be a trigger for you. Alexander is arrogance personified. This story was told from Cosima’s point of view so her impressions fueled my feelings.

No disrespect to the author but I don’t know if I would have made it to the end if I started to read the book from his perspective. I was not a fan of him and not at any point did that feeling change. Wanting to know that Cosima was going to end up safe was the only reason for me to continuing to turn the page.

I’m usually up to reading anything, at least once, but this was really tough for me. Once I looked at the length of the story, I actually cringed by how long it was. It took me a long time to get through because my mind didn’t like processing what I was reading. I felt like a voyeur who didn’t like what they were seeing. And for that I can’t fault the author. She knows just what to create for her scenes for this to seem even remotely possible. I could not, however, appreciate the way the men feel women should be treated.

I can see teaching someone about the “lifestyle” but in no way did I feel that this was about a lifestyle. At times I felt as if I was reading something from a different era. There’s a four-letter word that repeatedly came up but it wasn’t l-o-v-e. And that was fine by me because I never felt any type of connection between our main characters. But boy I was glad when I came upon the magical word “Epilogue”.


I was locked in the dark but it was more than an absence of light. It was the blackness of my own solitude, the quantum hole at the center of my soul that was slowly sucking away at everything that made me me.
I tried to write an encyclopedia of Cosima facts to cement my sense of self in the chaos of night that had become my life.
Cosima Ruth Lombardi.
Born August 2nd 1998 in Naploi, Italia to Caprice Maria Lombardi and Seamus Patrick Moore.
My favourite colour was wine red, captured in a glass and held over rich, warm candlelight.
I loved poppies best of all flowers because they reminded me of me in a way that was narcissistic but true. They were bold as blood, stark against the softer colours of the traditional Italian countryside. They demanded notice and received it. But their beauty was short-lived and fragile as the thin silk of their petals. They fell to bits within a week and scattered on the wind.
I felt very much like one of those black centered blooms, falling apart with every breath I took without even one witness to my dematerialization.
He wanted me like this.
Lost like decaying particles in a petri dish.
I didn’t have to hear his British accented voice clipping the words into neat little explanations to understand why.
He wanted me broken.
A beautiful, hollow shell to break open and f*ck into.

About the Author:

Giana Darling is a Top 40 Amazon Best Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man's bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat Persephone. She loves to hear from readers so please contact her at gianadarling[at] if you have any questions or comments.

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