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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Love Affair With Fiction Presents: Concede by Kathy Coopmans; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Concede
Series: The Diamond Empire
Author: Kathy Coopmans
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime, 
Enemies to Lovers
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#Concede #TheDiamondEmpire #KathyCoopmans #RomanticSuspense #EnemiesToLovers #NewRelease #KindleUnlimited #LoveAffairWithFiction

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Love Affair With Fiction and the authors. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 

A new series of standalone full-length novels from USA Today Bestselling 
Author Kathy Coopmans.

For years, I pretended to be something I’m not. Drowning the beast living inside of me in copious amounts of alcohol and women. Not that I complained.

And then Victoria Hughes walks back into my life, and took me by surprise.

The woman stunning me clear out of my mind the minute my mouth touched hers.

After tragedy strikes and knocks her off her feet, I expected her to come to me, yet she didn’t. She pretended we’re nothing. But I see her. I’ve watched her, and she’s fighting grief while battling an all-consuming need for vengeance.

If anyone understands that, it’s me.

Deep down, she knows the only way to ease the pain is to give in to me and let justice bleed from her enemy’s veins.
And she will. I’m the type of man to make sure of it.

But there’s a problem. We have no idea who the enemy is. All we know is they want to destroy The Diamond Empire.


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Victoria believes in protecting family.  Seth believes in the same thing except his is slightly different from hers.  Expect his world to be very graphic.  The author leaves very little to the imagination so be warned if you are squeamish about some things.  Victoria’s way of protecting people is by keeping a lot of things internalized.  Now for some, she may keep them in the dark but she allows the reader to see what she’s holding in.

Seth is a man with two faces.  He has the personal face and the all-business face.  The author shows us both sides and you’ll have no trouble seeing the difference.  I’ve read mafia romances before but I learned quickly that you can’t compare what she writes with someone else’s since they are totally different.  With her words she has all the emotions jumping off the page – you can almost hear her characters speaking.

Victoria voices questions that you may seem to ask yourself.  But do either of us want to know the answer.  How can this type of story give us the happy ending that we seek?  How can you say happiness and think mafia?  You just need to remember that they are two different things and this author will give you that – one’s a pleasure and one’s a business.  Even though it seems like the ending had a conclusion, it did have me wondering about the next book coming out.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going? It’s snowing out there.” It’s a blizzard. Colder than a witch’s tit. Blowing snow and below zero temps. The only thing I’ll never get used to in this city.

Victoria’s body tenses, which I don’t like at all, still, she’s going to answer my question. She has no choice. I won’t let her walk out the door looking like that. Fuck what Theo thinks or says when he gets here.

“No shit, Sherlock, this is New York. We get snow, and sometimes several feet all in a matter of hours. Maybe you should move south of the border. As far away from me as you can get.”

“Cute. Not going anywhere, Victoria. Neither are you.” I grin. Nothing turns me on more than her sassy mouth. Except maybe when the time comes where she says my name. “Now, answer my question.”

Slamming her hands against the counter, she whirls on me, enough to stumble me back a step. Her lips set in a thin line. Pure fire behind her stare, and goddamn if it doesn’t make me want to plant her on the counter, kiss her in a way that reminds her who she belongs to.

Instead, because I’m sure she’d bite my tongue off, I lean forward, grab her hips again, our mouths only inches apart. Her lids flutter, lips parting, and making me want to devour her.

“I don’t have to answer you, now back the fuck off.” She gets a free pass on swearing this one time. She might be slowly conceding to the dark side, but her soul and spirit are too flawless for trash talk.

Unless I’m balls deep inside her.

USA Today Best Selling Author Kathy Coopmans is a Michigan native where she lives with her husband, Tony. They have two son’s Aaron and Shane.
She is a sports nut. Her favorite sports include NASCAR, Baseball, and Football.
She has recently retired from her day job to become a full-time writer.
She has always been an avid reader and at the young age of 50 decided she wanted to write. She claims she can do several things at once and still stay on task. Her favorite quote is “I got this.”

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