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Thursday, October 21, 2021

#ExcerptReveal: The One To Hold Box Set by Tia Louise; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #OnSale, #99Pennies, #LimitedTime


One to Protect


I don’t realize I’m asleep until the soft press of Derek’s lips against my forehead followed by the light scruff of his beard against my brow wakes me. My eyes flutter open, and he smiles down, fully dressed and leaning over the bath.

“Tired?” His voice is gentle.

Nodding, I lift one hand out of the now-warm water and touch his cheek. “Join me?”

I watch as he unbuttons his sleeve and rolls it up to his elbow. One hand on the wall behind my head, he leans forward and captures my lips as his other hand slides beneath the foam to cup my breast.

A breathy moan slips from my mouth into his, and keeping my eyes closed, I cover his hand with mine, following his movements from one breast to the other, his thumb slowly circling my hardening nipples.

He leans up and our eyes meet. “Good news.” My eyebrows rise with curiosity, and he continues. “Sloan’s back on the radar. He’s in Charleston. Bennett’s watching him and promises to keep me updated.”

“Now you don’t have to worry.” My voice is thick from napping followed by all the steamy kisses and touches. “I can stay home and work tomorrow.”

“I’d still like it if you had someone with you.” His voice is soft with a touch of sexy, fanning the heat he’s aroused in me.

“I’d like it if you were less clothed and in here while we discuss it.”

“I’m not sure we’ll do much discussing that way.”

Sitting forward in the tub, I carefully unfasten his buttons with the tips of my fingers until his olive chest is revealed. A scattering of dark hair covers the top of his lined torso, and I chew my bottom lip remembering how it feels against my breasts. With the pad of his thumb, he touches my mouth.

“Don’t bite your lip.” He leans in and brushes his against mine. “Let me do that.”

He gives me a little nibble, and I’m coming undone. “You’re taking too long.”

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