The individual ebooks from the #TNTNYC21 exclusive Cuffed & Pinched anthologies are now live. And each of these heroes is guaranteed to make you swoon and sweat!

Dead or Alive by Janine Infante Bosco - books2read.com/u/boajRL
Dead Reckoning by Gwyn McNamee - books2read.com/DeadReckoningGM
Corrupt by Aubree Valentine - amzn.to/3CKNXyb
Duty by Elizabeth Knox - amzn.to/3m14Grd
Hustle by Sam JD Hunt - books2read.com/u/bpaz7q
Condemn by Rae B. Lake - books2read.com/u/4EKROl
Search & Find by Darlene Tallman - books2read.com/u/3Gwe1d
Hide & Seek by Liberty Parker - books2read.com/u/mdDGaW
The Weight of Honor by Kristine Allen - books2read.com/u/bzdeEL
The Weight of Blood by M. Merin - books2read.com/u/4joA0D
Ground Zero by April Canavan - geni.us/GroundZero
Penalty Box by Casey Hagen - geni.us/PenaltyBox
Jaxson's Blue Moon by Cyndi Faria - books2read.com/jaxsonsbluemoon
Cujo's Rampage by Khloe Wren - books2read.com/CujosRampage
Cuff Linked by C.D. Gorri - books2read.com/cufflinked
Down in Flames by Elena Kincaid - books2read.com/DownInFlames
Sinful Duty by Nicole Garcia - books2read.com/u/3nE7de
The Gamble by Nicole Banks - books2read.com/u/3LR6j7
Don't miss the stories from Cuffed, full of scorching hot good guys in search of more than just their next perp.

Or their companion tales from Pinched, featuring some totally fine fugitives taking matters into their own hands and stopping at nothing to leave you breathless and yearning.

Janine Infante Bosco, Gwyn McNamee, Aubree Valentine, Elizabeth Knox, Sam JD Hunt, Rae B. Lake, Darlene Tallman, Liberty Parker, Kristine Allen, M. Merin, April Canavan, Casey Hagen, Cyndi Faria, Khloe Wren, C.D. Gorri, Elena Kincaid, Nicole Garcia and Nicole Banks!

Find The Authors Online!
Janine Infante Bosco: janineinfantebosco.com
Gwyn McNamee: gwynmcnamee.com
Aubree Valentine: authoraubreevalentine.org
Elizabeth Knox: elizabethknoxbooks.com
Sam J D Hunt: samjdhunt.com
Rae B. Lake: raeblake.com
Darlene Tallman: darlenetallmanauthor.com
Liberty Parker: authorlibertyparker.com
Kristine Allen: kristineallenauthor.com
M. Merin: mmerin.com
April Canavan: aprilcanavan.com
Casey Hagen: caseyhagenbooks.com
Cyndi Faria: cyndifaria.com
Khloe Wren: khloewren.com
C.D. Gorri: cdgorri.com
Elena Kincaid: elenakincaid.com
Nicole Garcia: bookbub.com/authors/nicole-garcia
Nicole Banks: bookbub.com/authors/nicole-banks
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