Christmas with the Black Sheep by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Let's get to know the author.
Natalie-Nicole Bates is a book reviewer and author.
Her passions in life include books and hockey along with Victorian and Edwardian era photography and antique poison bottles. Natalie contributes her uncharacteristic love of hockey to being born in Russia.
She currently resides in the UK where she is working on her next book and adding to her collection of 19th century post-mortem photos.
Follow Natalie-Nicole on her Social Media Pages!
Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/Natalie-Nicole
Facebook Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/585466478240251/
Twitter: @BatesNatalie https://twitter.com/BatesNatalie
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Aylin Myers lost her job when Eriah’s father took ill. She knows Eriah needs her help getting his business up and running again, but she doesn’t trust him. If he fails, she knows it will dishonor his father’s memory. And Aylin knows that at Christmas, it’s the right thing to help your fellow man—no matter how wretched he might be.
As Aylin gets to know Eriah, she sees a side of him Barrow Haven never saw. That perhaps the black sheep has changed for the better. Still, can she be sure this side of Eriah is real, and not just a facade he’s perfected over time to get his own way?

Author Top 10!
1. I was born in Russia, and lived there until I was four.
2. I’ve lived in three countries – Russian, England, and the USA.
3. My favorite book is Valley of The Dolls – I received it a few years ago as a gift, and have been hooked ever since.
4. I was a book reviewer for several years before I started writing.
5. The neighborhood kids are afraid of me – I have no idea why.
6. Since I was a teenager, I’ve been a huge fan of baseball and hockey.
7. I shouldn’t even admit this, but when I was 17, I ALMOST went off with a young player from the Edmonton Oilers who I met after a game.
8. I worked for several years as a trauma technician at a hospital’s head injury unit.
9. I prefer staying home to going out.
10. Watching Judge Judy is my guilty pleasure.

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