"Two souls Separated by three millennium One with a gift that is more like a curse One on an almost impossible quest Destinies entwined; one seeks to find herself while the other seeks his lost queen. To succeed, the pair must right the injustices 3,000 years in the past. Only together can they fulfill The Prophecy, but in the process they must defeat the Pharaoh Horemheb. Dishonor and death are the fate of the defeated. "
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AMAZON PAPERBACK – http://www.amazon.com/Sons-Sphinx-The-Quest-Books/dp/1500554936/
BARNES & NOBLES PAPERBACK – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sons-of-the-sphinx-cheryl-carpinello/1120481788

AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE – http://www.amazon.com/Cheryl-Carpinello/e/B002GGGZY6
WEBSITE –Main – http://www.beyondtodayeducator.com
WEBSITE –Shared – http://www.adventurequestbooks.com
BLOG – http://carpinelloswritingpages.blogspot.com/
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Ten Interesting facts about the Author:
1. Things I like to do when not writing:
I enjoy traveling, reading, spending time with my family, and working in the yard. I’m definitely not a housekeeper
2. How I relax:
Sitting on the beach in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico!
3. My favorite color:
Blue’s always been my favorite color. It’s the color of my eyes, of the sky, and of the ocean.
4. My favorite drink:
Just can’t pass up a good marguerita.
5. My favorite snack:
I devour nachos and Auntie Anne’s pretezels!
6. My your favorite movies:
Star Wars, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and The Mummy. I’ve watched each of these so many times that I’ve lost track, and my husband shakes his head when he sees on and says, “Really?” I just smile.
7. I am a night owl:
I don’t usually go to sleep until midnight, and now that I’m retired, I’m comfortable not seeing the sun come up in the morning:)
8. My favorite food:
That would be a smothered shredded beef burrito washed down with a good marguerita.
9. My favorite authors:
I grab anything by the writing duo of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs, and I also love their individual books. David Baldacci’s books are also favorites. I’m addicted to blood & guts & spy thrillers!
10. If I could live anyway, it would be in Colorado.
We have the best weather—All four seasons. I live next to the foothills, and a drive up in the Rockies is a cure for any ailment. My immediate family is all here, except for one sister. When I need a change, it’s so easy just to hop a plane and go to the beach.
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