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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Grey's Promotions Presents: Cop-Out by Misty Walker; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

by Misty Walker  
releasing September 24, 2020!

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Misty Walker's Cop-Out is a page turning, emotionally explosive, super sexy, contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg's Everyday Heroes World project.


I came to Sunnyville broken, battered, and bloody. I was saved, rescued by an angel wearing a badge and from that point on, I wanted to be just like him.
Flash forward two years and I finally have my opportunity. But then Topher Harding asks me out on a date. He's sexy, he has dimples, and he's a cop. One date turns into five turns into me thinking this guy might be my forever. Unfortunately, things don't always go to plan.
This is my life and I refuse to let anyone, or anything stand in my way. Especially a sexy, dimpled cop who thinks I need a hero.

From the second the new dispatcher walked into the station, I wanted her. She's smart, quick thinking, and on a scale of one to ten, her body is a fifteen.For the first time in my life, I want to stop adding notches to my bedpost and buy a new bed. One I can share with Liv for the rest of my life.
After everything she has been through, I need is make sure nothing and no one can touch her again. Then I find out she's been keeping a secret that I can't get over. So, I let her walk out of my life.
Now she's back with a shiny new badge of her own.And being the department's Field Training Officer, she's put under my wing.
She still doesn't need a hero. But she does need me. And I'll prove it to her.

Pre-order your copy today on Amazon!

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