Tuesday, February 9, 2021

IndieSage PR Presents: Truly's Biker by Misty Walker; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Truly’s Biker
by Misty Walker 
Publication Date: February 9, 2021 
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person. Alternating persons
#TrulysBiker #BirdiesBiker #NowLive #MustRead #RoyalBastardsMC #BookBloggers

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the authors. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 

Blond hair, a chiseled body, and ice blue eyes. All the features of a god that trick you into thinking he’s a savior. But he’s not. Roch’s a devil in disguise. A contract killer, in a motorcycle gang, and the man I’ve been in love with since I was eight. Now that I’m legal, I’m not waiting any longer for him to realize it. So I act out, I cause a scene, I try to make him jealous. Except, I trusted the wrong person. Now Roch and his club are in danger, and it’s all my fault. I really messed up this time. Roch: Truly thinks I don’t notice how she’s suddenly everywhere now that she’s an adult. Getting into trouble, showing me what a brat she is, and making me come rescue her. But she’s my best friend’s daughter. My dead best friend’s daughter. No matter how she taunts me, it can’t happen. The Royal Bastards are my brothers and my dogs are my world. There’s no room for complications. When one of her tantrums brings trouble to my door, it’s not just her life at stake, it’s my entire club’s. Now she has my full attention, and I’m realizing Truly owned my black heart the entire time. Will we be over before we’ve begun?

Read for FREE in KindleUnlimited

My Thoughts:

Roch is a man who will look after you even while he fights some personal demons.  Truly is at the point in her young life that she wants to be seen as an adult instead of a little girl.  It’s then that her rose-colored glasses get ripped off and there’s no way to put them back on again.  The author made me smile when it came to a plug for animal adoption. 


Roch gives us a slight glimpse into his personal life but Truly shows us a different side.  She’s a little more forthcoming of her life than of his.  They let the reader feel as if they are a part of what is going on with this MC and the people in it.  You will get to see both the good and the bad.  Even though you know the book is a work of fiction, the author paints a very realistic picture as to how these men handle problems. 


The emotions that can be found within this book’s pages are all over the place – in a good way.  It’s something else that adds realism to a story where you’re not sure of what’s going to happen around the next corner.  She also writes a story where there’s an age gap between our main characters.  The way it was written, I didn’t feel that we had a little girl thinking she was in love with someone that was so much older than her.  She is a young woman who has some different life experiences and knows what she wants.  It’s a story that certainly spoke to my heart.  And what did it leave me with?  It left me with a want for more. 

Also in the Series:

About Misty Walker:

Misty Walker has been writing stories, articles, and poems since junior high. Preferring to stay behind the scenes until now, she has been an avid romance reader, a blogger, and an audiobook proofer for the last fifteen years. Growing up in a nomadic household, Misty has lived all up and down the western USA, but recently settled in Reno, Nevada. Misty is a mom to two kids who are slowly trying to kill her, but they are cute, so she will keep them. She just celebrated her sixteen-year anniversary with her computer geek husband and has two dogs, Dunkin and Dutch, that are her constant companions while she happily reads and writes her life away.

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