Tuesday, February 9, 2021

An Audiobookworm Presents: The Pulse Of Blue Blood by Stacy Eaton; #Audiobook #SeriesTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live


Author: Stacy Eaton
Narrator: Alex Black 
Length: 1 hour 31 minutes 
Series: My Blood Runs Blue, Book 2 
Released: May 15, 2020 
Publisher: Nitewolf Novels 
Genre: Paranormal Romance


The Pulse of Blue Blood is a short story that should be listened to after My Blood Runs Blue. This story of 17K words is the back story to Kristin and Calista. Listening to this story before listening to My Blood Runs Blue will spoil many plot points. In My Blood Runs Blue, you were introduced to Kristin, Julian, and Alexander, and you also learned a little about Calista. Now take a trip back in time to learn more about the decisions that Calista made in her choice between Julian and Alexander. Learn about her relationship with Julian, and why you choose Alexander at the end of My Blood Runs Blue. You’ll also learn the way she caused her untimely death. My Blood Runs Blue Series is an adult paranormal action/romance series and is intended for mature audiences.

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 Stacy Eaton is a USA Today Best Selling author and began her writing career in October of 2010. Stacy took an early retirement from law enforcement after over fifteen years of service in 2016, with her last three years in investigations and crime scene investigation to write full time. Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, who works in law enforcement, and her teen daughter. She also has a son who is currently serving in the United States Navy, and two grandchildren. Stacy is involved in Domestic Violence Awareness and served on the Board of Directors for her local Domestic Violence Center for three years. Be sure to visit www.stacyeaton.com for updates and more information on her books. Sign up for all the latest information on Stacy’s Newsletter!
Narrator Bio  

Alex Black is an articulate, engaging, and versatile narrator based in Cambridge, Vermont. He’s worked in theatre, film, audio production, and appeared on radio. As an accomplished audiobook producer with over 90 titles, he’s worked closely with independent authors and publishers. He’s received more than 500 5 star reviews and specializes in Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Apocalyptic, Mystery & Thriller, LGBTQ+, and Memoirs.
Guest Post


7. Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you?

I am an audiobook listener. I’ve a huge To Be Read list going on right now. At the top is ‘The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.”
The audiobook format is quite appealing for several reasons. Meaning can be conveyed in different ways through the narrator(s). One of the best things about an audiobook is when characterization is enhanced. The format allows the listener to consume fantastic books in settings where reading would be difficult. For example, while driving, exercising, cooking, hiking, showering, working, etc.
At the end of the day, whether you’re reading or listening, you can get together and discuss the same story.

8. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of narrating an audiobook?

My favorite part of narrating an audiobook is being put into the mind of the author. I learn valuable insight from that perspective. It makes me a better reader. Being a better reader prepares me to delve deeper into the next story, and become better at understanding storytelling.
Ultimately, writing is one of the most intimate things someone can do. The writer is openly sharing the way that they think, the way that they tell a story, their thought process’. My favorite part is experiencing new ways to tell stories. Every author I’ve worked with has blown my mind.

11. What about this title compelled you to audition as narrator?

Vampires. First and foremost, vampires are awesome. Secondly, I really wanted to complete the books as a whole series and produce the box set. I find that box sets are amazing because they put an incredible amount of content at people’s fingertips.

12. How closely do you prefer to work with authors?

I tend to have close relationships with authors and publishers. I enjoy hearing what authors have to say, what they’re interested in, what’s coming up next, what their plans are. From whatever angle, working with authors is a relationship first. There are wonderful people out there with amazing stories to tell, and I’ve been fortunate to work with the most fantastic authors. Stacy is case in point. You can see a reflection of her life’s experiences in her work. How can you not want to work closely with someone like Stacy?

14. How did you decide how each character should sound in this title?

Ok. Here’s a few of my favorites.
Officer Kristin Greene is a badass. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and she is deeply empathic. She’s community based. I wanted her voice to be strong. She is direct and stands her ground. But her voice always has a softer concern for her loved ones. Then ruthless towards her enemies.
Julian is a romantic at heart. He’ll get things done. He’s got his opinions, and honestly, he’s trying to figure things out. He’s had to deal with a lot. On top of that, he’s confronted with the near ghost of his late beloved Calista. I thought his tone should be firm but with a hint of softness. That softness is born of love and romance.
Alex is top dog. You listen to him. You don’t go against his orders. I wanted him to have a bit of presence in his voice. A bit of no nonsense.
Trent is pure southern charm, and Olivia is fun and bubbly. Also restless, and excited about the changes in her life.
Gabriel is another empathic character. He is a rock. I wanted his voice to be caring and focused, but undaunted and undeterred. A simple man, honestly.

17. Have there been any characters that you really connected with?

All of them. Every single one. I’m a highly sensitive man. It’s very easy for me to empathize with people in general.
I understood Kristin to her core. Stacy and I had shared a laugh, discussing a scene with Kristin. I remember telling her that I literally rolled my eyes when the scene rolled along. But that was Kristin’s character you see. She had to be where she was because of her deep empathy. I’d say probably Kristin was the one I most connected with.
Second would be Alex and Julian. I related to their perspective on many levels. Their grit, determination, and no-nonsense. I appreciate good strong men. Their tenacity. Their love for another MC.

20. Do you read reviews for your audiobooks? If so, which ones stand out to you most, positive or negative?

Yes. I read them all. Every single one. I’ve discovered a pattern to the reviews that stand out to me. I love the reviews where you can physically see someone smiling as they’re typing the review. Those are my favorite. Especially if they’ve spammed emojis.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a highly sensitive man. But I also have very thick skin. There’s a common saying in the narrator community that goes “Don’t read the reviews!” Maybe my brain is wired differently, perhaps it’s from my childhood, but I love reading both negative and positive reviews. There’s a little seed of truth in everything. I think some folks make the mistake of letting negative reviews govern them.

22. What type of the review comments do you find most constructive

The most constructive comments occur in repetition. You’ll often find both your strengths and weaknesses repetitively addressed in reviews. It’s the repetition that can tell you whether something is working or not. That repetition is what I find most constructive.

24 If you could narrate one book from your youth what would it be and why?

This is a tough one for me. I was maybe eight years old when I picked up R.A. Salvatore’s ‘The Demon Awakens’ from the Giant supermarket in Bowie, MD.
“It’s a big book,” my father said.
I can still hear his long heavy sigh that turned the necks of strangers in line at check out. It sure was a big book for an eight year old. Looking back, I don’t think he wanted to pass up investing in my desire to read. Either that or I was possessed by demons and kicked and screamed until I got the book. I say possessed because I was good kid. Right dad?
I’v picked this one because it changed my life. This was a flashlight under the covers book.
“I said go to bed!” mom would yell through the door.
I don’t know how but she knew i was reading. As kid you’re trying to figure out how the beam of your flashlight could go through three layers of bedding, the door, down the hall, and wake up your mother.
Anyway, I lived vicariously through my imagination as a kid. The world was so rough and unkind to me. This book was my best friend. Every turn of the page revived me. Rangers, goblins, giants, elves, magic, first kisses. Sigh.

27. What’s next for you?

I’ll be candid with what’s important to me. My first priority is being deserving of my amazing beautiful wife. That’s always next for me. Everyday.
In the audiobook world, Stacy and I are working on preparing the ‘My Blood Runs Blue’ series box set. Then ‘The Blue Blood Returns’ series begin production in January!
Aside for that, my lovely wife and I have been narrating duet and dual POV audiobooks this year. We’ve been kicking butt and taking names! You should hear her, she’s amazing. (I’m kissing my fingertips in French). She’s so versatile. I’m already learning so much from working alongside her. Truly an inspiration.
It’s been a wild, exhausting 2020. Our goal is to fill our 2021 calendar with amazing authors and put out some amazing stories that must be told!

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