Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Enticing Journey Book Promotions Presents: Venom by Dee Garcia; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Venom
Series: The Sinister Fairy Tales Collection
Author: Dee Garcia
Genre: Dark PNR/UF
Release Date: October 15, 2019
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#venomrelease #venomdeegarcia #sinisterfairytalecollection #availablenow #paranormalromance #darkromance #uf #deegarciarelease

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


From the moment I befriended him, I set a conspiracy in motion.
A revolution.

Kill Peter Pan.

And I was their ultimate weapon.
I was also none the wiser, falling hopelessly and irrevocably in love with him as the years went by.
Just as they hoped I would.
But their plan comes to a screeching halt when Peter vanishes into thin air, something I’ll learn has nothing to do with Rosewood at all.
You see, Peter never truly loved me...because he loved a wench instead.
He lied to me, he used me, he left me, and he broke me. 
Forever altering me in ways that incite revenge when Hook sweeps in with revelations and the ultimate truth.
Peter may have turned his back on me, but in the end, he and his precious little Wendy will choke on every last tear I once shed.
And I’ll have Hook to thank for that.


It’s no secret I always despised Peter Pan.
A common threat amongst the factions, I should’ve killed him when I had the chance, long before he sank his claws deep into Tinksley’s heart.
But his death at my hands wasn’t what the plan called for, despite how I felt for her.
I’d always been drawn to the girl, innocently enough at first…until that vile abomination marked her with his stamp, unleashing a sense of propriety I had no rights to.
Didn’t matter—he had her...and I wanted her.
Then like magic, he disappeared.
I thought my time had come, but the road to owning Tinksley’s heart comes with a price.
A price so dark and depraved it strips her of her purity and awakens the beast within.
All because of the truth.
Sometimes, there is honor in revenge, and it will be my utmost pleasure to watch as Peter Pan finally meets his maker.
His maker who will soon be my Queen.

Don’t do it, Tinksley. Turn around, says the angel on my shoulder, a voice I’d forgotten existed amidst the demands of depravity.

Do I listen? Of course not.

I have to know what’s happening. I’m too intrigued not to.

An intrigue that continues amounting as I pass this hand-carved archway with thick spiraled pillars. The pillars themselves aren’t what draws me—it’s the marionette puppets hanging off each one. They’re both female; one blonde, one brunette, both surprisingly quite scantily clad unlike a typical puppet.

I’ve never seen one like this before.

Reaching out to graze the tips of my fingers over one of their wooden bodies, I—

“Boo!” a husky voice ghosts in my ear.

My heart shoots up to my throat as a terrified scream breaks free. Next thing I know, I’m spun around, staring into amused blue eyes.

I literally feel myself deflate in his grip before I can react accordingly.


“What the f*ck!” I shout, wiggling myself free.

Callan chuckles darkly and shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “Look at you. So crass these days.”

I mimic his stance. “What can I say? I learned from the best. You’ve got one helluva sailor’s mouth yourself.”

“I’m not a sailor, love.” He smirks. “A pirate? Yes. The Captain? Obviously. Not a sailor, though.”

The author is sweet and gives her readers a link to the Playlist that goes with this story.  She goes one better by letting you know when you should be listening to a particular piece of music.

Just like a play, or movie, this story is told in Acts.  A good way to decide on the best stopping point you would think but I found it difficult because of the addictive factor.  She also puts a spin on this fairy tale by adding in a paranormal twist.

Callan “Hook” is not the man of childhood fairy tales.  Tinksley Bell shows us a different side to her relationship with Peter.  I found it interesting that in staying true to the story, our author makes Peter more of a secondary character – she lets Tinksley shine.  The author is sneaky too because she waits until the end before dropping a bomb that will blow your mind.

This story made me curious as to the other books our author has written.  Good thing she left me with a list to make my job easier.  She did a great job in catching my attention and not releasing it until the very end.  Her latest was a reminder that I may have watched the Dustin Hoffman/Robin Williams movie one too many times.

In the beginning of my adventure, Hook may have looked an awful lot like someone.  But once I got fully entrenched into what was going on than my mind turned that image off – thank goodness.  The same could be said about Peter.  As a kid listening to the original story, I never really wondered what Tinkerbell did once she disappeared from a scene and I think that’s because it wasn’t about her.  Make no mistake this is not a story for children because this twist is for adult eyes only.

In this version, her character has more depth – more emotion.  It’s one more indication that this is not your childhood fairy tale.  Even Hook has more depth – not quite the meanie as previously portrayed.  The original was a great vessel for the author to take something old and make it new again.  There are also modern items that infiltrate what’s happening and yet it still surprises me.  That’s what’s good about fantasies – there are limitless possibilities.  The bad thing is, now I want to see this made into a movie so that I can see how the screenwriter would interpret what this author has written.  It also left me looking forward to seeing what other fairy tales are going to get a modern spin – can’t wait.  But I will also have to watch out for the author’s Rosewood Realm series since Tinksley and Hook’s story may not be over.

Dee Garcia is a voracious fan of romance novels and a long time lover of the written word. Her mission is to craft unique, compelling stories that will give her readers a place to briefly escape the trials and tribulations of everyday reality. With headstrong heroine's who don't need a man to stand on their own two feet, Dee hopes to leave her mark in the Indie world, one plot twist at a time.


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