Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Candi Kane PR Presents: Damage by Natasha Knight; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

DAMAGE (Collateral Damage #2) 
by Natasha Knight
Release Date: October 15th
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Candi Kane PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


We’re a match made in hell, Stefan and I.
He took me to exact his revenge. I went from being a pawn to my father to being a pawn to Stefan. The only difference is I have a ring the size of a boulder on my finger and a husband I don’t want.
And the hardest part is I thought he was different. I thought I was falling in love.
I guess my father was right. I’m not a very smart girl.
Stefan is a powerful man. He doesn’t play nice, not if you’re his enemy. But I’ve learned one thing about my husband.
He takes care of what’s his.
And I am his.
His enemies have become my enemies, but he’ll never let anyone hurt me. He’s fiercely protective. It’s the predator inside that scares me.


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 My Thoughts:

Gabriela Marchese starts us off by reminding us how things ended in book one.  It can also act as a reminder why you don’t want to start this duet here – this is not a standalone.  Stefan Sabbioni is concerned but that doesn’t stop him from doing what needs to be done.  He shows that his edges are starting to soften a little – he just might be human after all. 

You have to wonder if Gabriela is going to start to see him a little differently.  Then the author adds in a twist and here we go again.  What happened to my thinking he was going soft?  That’s what’s needed to keep me reading because I was starting to like him and thought he might be redeemable.  But all that just adds a little realism to the story.

In this story it seems like Stefan is hiding something from the reader.  In the first book, I thought the story was showing what type of importance men put to women’s feelings.  Here I felt that maybe Gabriela was finally coming out of her shell – not quite as timid.  She acts like a lot of women would in her position.

It was nice to see Rafa make an appearance.  With this story I wasn’t ever sure about Rafa until the story played out.  And the sad part about that ending is that I did get a tear or two but you have to remember the type of families that they have.  All I’ll say about how it all ends is that the author is sweet and gives her readers not one but two Epilogues.  Then I have another sad moment because I don’t know what’s coming next from Ms. Knight.  I have an inquiring mind and I want to know – now! 


It’s midnight when we’re back at the house and I carry her to my room. She doesn’t resist when I strip off her clothes, her underthings still damp, and put her in the shower under a flow of hot water. I strip too and step in beside her and there’s no resistance when I kiss her. When I take her in my arms and kiss her as the water washes sea salt from us.
She opens to me and I cup the back of her head. I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. Don’t ever want to stop holding her like this.
When the water begins to cool, I switch off the shower and dry her then myself before lifting her up and carrying her to my bed. I lay her down and lie down beside her, shifting so I’m on top of her but keeping most of my weight on my forearms so I don’t crush her.
I slide one hand down and cup the mound of her breast. I run my fingernail over her nipple, and she moans into my mouth. When I pull away, it’s to look at her.
She licks her lips, reaches up to touch my cheek, slides her hand down to my chest and sets it against my heart.
We don’t talk. We don’t say a single word. Not for a long while. We just kiss and kiss and look at each other. And I can’t get enough of touching her. Tasting her. Can’t get close enough to her.
“Christ, Gabriela,” I start. “I want you.” I roll off her and onto my side to slide my hand down over her belly.
She cups my cheek, touches her mouth to mine. “Kiss me again.”
I do.

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance, Natasha Knight specializes in dark, tortured heroes. Happily-Ever-Afters are guaranteed, but she likes to put her characters through hell to get them there. She’s evil like that.

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