Sunday, October 7, 2018

HEA PR & More Presents: Finding L.O.V. by K.L. Myers; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review

Finding L.O.V. by K.L. Myers is LIVE on Amazon!

Love At Last Book 3
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from HEA PR and More and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

She’s everything I never knew I wanted until she disappeared. Fate brought us together. Karma ripped us apart.

An unexpected doctor’s visit, a bachelor auction, and one night of unbridled sex turned my world upside down. I was never one to settle for anything, but she made me realize that life doesn’t have to be about settling when you find your other half.

Lillian Olivia Vicci aka L.O.V. is that woman. Being heiress to the Vicci crime family causes her to disappear out of my life as fast as she blew into it. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get close enough to her again, but then destiny rears her beautiful head and the offer of a lifetime lands in my lap.

Protect L.O.V. and spend the rest of my life with her. Simple enough, right? I have the money and the means to keep her safe, but do I?

Can I keep her safe without risking the lives of my family? Karma has other ideas, and the cost could be catastrophic.



My Thoughts:

Author suggests reading in order and I have to agree.

Lillian continues right from where Lost In L.O.V. left off. It’s a light bulb moment – “now it all makes sense”. But I do question how she seems to so quickly changes affections. The heat level went up – so maybe change is a good thing.

There was a moment where it became hard to read. In a small way I knew what she was going through – I had to do it twice. But just a little warning that you may need a tissue. Lillian seems to have an attitude that contradicts what she says. We have other characters but this seems to be her story. Then once again our author leaves me hanging off a cliff and having to wait for next year to come - my fingers are going to get pretty tired. If it’s anything like the first three books in this series than it will be well worth the wait.

Catch up on the Love At Last series:


My Thoughts:

Lincoln Eastwick seems to be a cynic when it comes to love. He seems the same for other things as well. Then you see he does have a heart – maybe there’s hope for him. I found it interesting in how he sees himself – does he have a mirror in his back pocket?

Lillian Vicci is not happy with her friend. She doesn’t like to be put on the spot. Her job is one that comes with lots of stress and not one that you think of as a woman’s job – it’s great to see that times have changed. 

These are two people that just seem so polar opposite. It’s hard to see them together but the author does a good job at making it believable. She’s also great at creating obstacles. With all that’s going on there’s a little boy that I thoroughly enjoyed but he had a way of pulling my attention away from the true story. I have to thank the author for creating him because of that character I was able to see that Lincoln was actually human.

On top of that our author creates a scene that has me questioning who Lillian is. You could tell that it changed the tone of the story. It’s something that could turn someone off but I was glad because I had to see how it was going to affect the rest of the book. But it didn’t take me long to see that I won’t know how it affects our main characters because the author left me at the edge of a cliff. It left me no choice but to read Lost In L.O.V. because inquiring minds want to know.


My Thoughts:

Angelo Rizzuto was given a very important job. He gives me a revelation that surprised me due to the fact that it involves one of our main characters. The next surprise was because I had no clue from the first book that this history was going to come to light – great way to bump things up. It certainly had me saying “this is an interesting turn of events!” Certainly shows a level of creativity.

After reading the first book, I kept expecting to see both main characters. You will see that has changed here. It certainly will leave you wondering what else this author can come up with. And if I didn’t mind this twist, I’m sure you won’t have a problem with it either. But you have to wonder what is coming next for our three characters.


KL Myers was born an Air Force "brat" in West Berlin, Germany moving with her family from Germany to Colorado to "hell", aka Arizona where she resides with her husband David & their fur babies (3 cats & a dog). They have 2 grown daughters & 3 grandchildren.

KL has a passion for collecting PEZ dispensers & hot romance. When she isn't juggling family & a full-time executive job, KL indulges her other passion- writing.

Her books & novellas show a pension for a bad boy with a heart of gold. Coupling her bad boys with strong, independent women who don't need rescuing, just maybe a taste of naughty redemption! Her characters will pull you in & leave you satiated, yet panting for more, More, MORE!


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