Saturday, October 6, 2018

Bare Naked Words Presents: Blood Bond by Helen Hardt; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review

Unchained (Blood Bond Saga Vol 1)  
Also Available Now - Blood Bond Saga 4 & 5 
by #1 New York Times Bestselling author Helen Hardt
Release Date: 2nd October
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating:  5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#BloodBondSaga #HelenHardt #Waterhouse

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Bare Naked Words and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Unchained (Blood Bond Vol 1)

Part one:

Vampire Dante Gabriel is starving. What he craves is red gold—human blood. After being held captive as a blood slave to a female vampire for years, he has finally escaped. Unchained at last, he follows his nose to the nearest blood bank to sate his hunger.
ER nurse Erin Hamilton expects just another busy night shift…until she finds a gorgeous stranger vandalizing the hospital blood bank. Though her logic tells her to turn him in, she’s pulled by stronger and unfamiliar emotions to protect the man who seems oddly infatuated with her scent. Chemistry sizzles between them, but Dante, plagued by nightmares of his time in captivity, fears he won’t be able to control himself…especially when he discovers a secret she doesn’t even know she’s hiding.

Part two:

Dante Gabriel is angry. Someone has violated the woman whose scent has left him emotionally paralyzed, and he’s become unhinged. He vows to protect Erin Hamilton—mostly from himself.
Erin has other ideas. She’s determined to figure out the strange man who keeps leaving her aroused and unsatisfied. When she pushes Dante for answers, he goes looking for them himself. What he uncovers could put Erin in mortal danger, with him as her only salvation.

Part three:

Now that Dante Gabriel recognizes the blood bond Erin Hamilton has formed with him, he has unwound a little. Still, he must find a way to convince her that she must complete the bond for both their sakes. Vampires are rapidly dying out, and humans have long considered them nothing more than a myth. How can he make her understand?
Erin has fallen in love with Dante, but she’s still confused and angered by his behavior. To keep her mind occupied, she immerses herself in a mystery that has evolved at work. Patients have been disappearing from the hospital, and Erin begins to wonder if one of the ER doctors might be involved.

My Thoughts:

Dante Gabriel finds out how relationships work.  Erin Hamilton is still helping people – she has a real compassion.  By the time you get to the end of chapter two you’ll realize that this is a saga that needs to be read in order – events that have happened previous to this.

I was happy to see that I’m able to continue my Blood Bond soap opera.  It’s a series where the books are short, which is good for me.  Now that the weather is changing that means more yard work.  Since I can get this finished in just a couple of hours, it leaves me plenty of time to get some other things done.

This story continues to tease me with the continuing connection between the main characters.  Dante is conflicted about how to handle things.  And so is Erin. The secondary characters stay mostly in the background with this one.  It lets us really get to know how Dante and Erin are working at being a couple.  I’m invested in this series now and there’s no way I can stop here.

Part four:

Vampires are real. That fact has Erin Hamilton thinking she’s headed for crazy town. Still, she can’t deny the intense emotion she experiences when Dante Gabriel sinks his teeth into her neck to take her blood. She’s in love, and her body responds to his bite in a way she never could have imagined.

Once Dante tastes Erin’s blood, he’s addicted forever and cannot live without it. He’s heartbroken when she demands that he leave and never return. But neither can live without the other now, which puts them both at risk.

My Thoughts:

Erin lets us see the ending – even though here it’s the beginning.  It’s the story that takes Erin and Dante to the next level.  These are short stories and thank goodness for that.  Once I read the first sentence I was hooked.  It feeds a need that I’ve had since high school.

Our author goes a little further with her storyline here.  There’s a mystery that was hinted at in previous books and it needs to be solved.  Some of you may already have some ideas but I’m clueless when it comes to things like this.  And that’s one reason why I have to keep reading.  If I was one of those that could so easily solve something than I might not carry on to see where this author was taking her readers.

Our main characters are really taking over here but the secondary characters are still important.  They help to move the story along as well as adding to the question, “who?”  It’s all one big puzzle and we, or is it them, have to figure out how all the pieces fit.  Especially when what may be an important piece comes through.  But the ending doesn’t help except for the fact that I have a real need to continue.

Part Five:

Once bonded, never broken. The words give Dante Gabriel hope…until he remembers where he first heard them. The information he needs is hidden in the ancient Vampyre Texts, but he encounters obstacle after obstacle while trying to decipher them, even when someone from his past returns to help.

Though she tries, Erin Hamilton can’t resist Dante. When he comes for her, she always submits willingly, despite her best intentions. She loves him but still can’t bring herself to accept him as vampire…even as other vampires, lured by her arousing scent, begin to close in on her.

My Thoughts:

This book starts with a mystery that has yet to be solved.  It’s the driving force for this story.  Even though Erin and Dante become more intimate here, we are pulled deeper into a mystery that starts with Dante but weaves itself into Erin’s world.

One of our secondary characters has returned to add to the mystery.  And our author had added in a new character.  We’ll just have to wait and see if he helps toward a solution or if just add to what has yet to be solved.

One thing that is certain is that our author is not done with us yet.  That makes me very happy.  I like a story where there’s more going on than just watching a relationship develop between our main characters.  It was also nice to see that Erin has a hard time processing some of what’s going on.  On the other hand, she’s pretty sure about others.  But the ending gives me not one but two more mysteries to add to the mix.  I can’t wait for more.  This author has to know she has me hooked – my old Dark Shadows obsession just may have been replaced.

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Part 4

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Part 5

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Meet the Author:

#1 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Helen Hardt’s passion for the written word began with the books her mother read to her at bedtime. She wrote her first story at age six and hasn’t stopped since. In addition to being an award winning author of contemporary and historical romance and erotica, she’s a mother, a black belt in Taekwondo, a grammar geek, an appreciator of fine red wine, and a lover of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. She writes from her home in Colorado, where she lives with her family. Helen loves to hear from readers.

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