Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Virtual Author Book Tours Presents: The Demon Within by Josh Gagnier; #BlogTour, #ExcerptTour, #GuestReview, #OutNow, #Giveaway

Demon Within by Josh Gagnier

Demon Within by Josh Gagnier
Publisher: PorterMouth (Dec 18, 2016)
Category: Dark Fantasy, Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Tour dates: Mar & Apr, 2018
Available in Print & ebook, †210 pages

Demon Within

Demon Within by Josh GagnierJoe grew up listening to the voice in his head. It helped him through school, helped him gain wealth in his career.

The final temptation of power was too much. He hadn't considered the cost.

Now he must find a way to defeat The Demon Within.

Little does he know, his every move is being recorded. Every misstep is being judged. As he gets ever closer to winning over his demon, heavenly eyes watch from above. Some root for his success while others hope he'll fail.

While Joe fights his demon on the battlefront, the angel Michael fights for his Soul.

Will Joe win out? Will Michael be able to save Joe's soul?

Or will the Demon win and thrust Joe into the Abyss.

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Guest Review by Sal:
Joe has had a voice in his head since childhood and he always listened to it. It helped him get ahead, so it must be steering him in the right direction. However, as Joe continues into his adult life and develops his career and wealth, there is a courtroom scene taking place, litigating his soul. There is also an angel, Michael, which is fighting hard for Joe’s soul. Will Joe’s soul be saved or will evil win? My lips are sealed.

This is a well written book with a new perspective on the old theme of good versus evil. The characters are well developed and the plot has lots of twists and turns that keeps the reader turning the pages. Honestly, I could not put the book down until I finished a 4:00 AM! If you like dark fantasy and/or the theme of good versus evil, this is a must read! I rarely give a 5 star rating but ‘The Demon Within’ deserves it! I hope you agree.

Praise Demon Within:

ìThis author is amazingly talented, quite honestly the Dan Brown of the Dark Urban Fantasy genre. This is a book that will hook you in and you will find it very difficult to put down. I read this book in one sitting, it was that well written. I highly recommend this book. And I can't wait for the next one!î- Andrew T., Reviewer

ìThe Demon Within is an outstanding read. It is a dark fantasy that will take you through twists and turns and keep you guess the whole way. The writer did a fantastic job with the creativity and complexity of the story line as well with the characters. You will not be disappointed!î- Nick Barth, Reviewer

ìThis book is amazing. The author has a way with words, his twists and turns keep you hooked. I couldn't put it down. Waiting for part two, I see this as the door way into the fantasy realm!î- Andy Burk, Reviewer

ìThe Demon Within opens with an interesting twist on the ideas of Creation, God, Angels and Demons. It then morphs into what at first seems to be a courtroom drama - Defense and Prosecution "ministers" arguing based on a Soul's actions to decide if that Soul is worthy of Heaven, while a Judge rules based on their arguments. The book evolves again as we delve deeper into the life and actions of the Soul in question, going back and forth between the actions and the court. The switches between each setting are very well done, and you never lose a sense of continuity. Each chapter builds on the last, leading to several INSANE revelations, and leaving you begging for more. The cliffhanger at the end makes you want to choke the author...or go all Dolores Claiborne on him until he writes the sequel (Hurry up, already!!!) A great read, and one which I will return to several times, in case I missed anything. I read this book in just a couple of sittings. The only reason it wasn't a single sitting is that I had to go to work.î- Tommy Watson, Reviewer


“You should return to your home, little one,” Joe says, clenching his jaw, fighting to quell the demon. “The Squad is en route, and this man’s evening is going to get very unpleasant. It is in your best interest to leave,” Joe continues, his voice increasing in power. “Do you hear me, little one? Get out of here!” he yells, slapping the newspaper on the table. Turning toward the man, he continues, “You do like the young ones, right, Richard?”

Looking at the paper, the girl recognizes a picture of the man she is sitting with. The words Internet Predator Claims Another Life in big bold letters and the name Richard Gorge under the picture of the man slowly sink in. Richard looks at the paper, realizes he’s been recognized, pulls out a .45, and aims it at Joe.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll walk away. Now get lost,” Richard hisses.
With near blinding speed, Joe grabs the collar of the girl’s shirt and pulls her out of the booth with his right hand while reaching for the glass of tea on the table with his left. He throws the tea in Richard’s face and snatches the gun while yelling to the kitchen to call The Squad. In the instant Joe turns his head toward the kitchen, Richard sees a possible escape, pushes his way out of the booth, and runs out the front door.

“Belath, let’s go,” Joe says in the powerful voice that doesn’t match his size as he turns to chase after his prey.

Now outside, Joe looks down the street and spots Richard disappearing around the corner. Knowing he won’t be able to catch up on foot, Joe picks up a rock and rushes toward a car intent on breaking the window. Before he is able to reach the car, a guy on a bike slams into him. Still intent on catching Richard, Joe gets up, yanks the bike upright and races down the street. He sees a familiar alley on the left, about halfway between where he is and where Richard had turned. Knowing this curves and meets the street farther down, he picks up his pace as he crosses the street, not caring about traffic. Horns blare, tires screech, and he can hear the sounds of an accident he just caused. He is nearly to the alley when he hears a woman cry out, “My baby! Not my baby! Oh, Grand Master, no!”

Ignore her, she means nothing. Richard was planning to kill that young girl. He deserves what he gets. We are here. Why not give it to him?

The voice hisses. A voice that had once been smooth as silk and almost syrupy sweet; now it feels more like nails grinding against the inside of his skull. The voice is of a caged animal fighting its restraints with every syllable.

This must be what Joe needs because after hearing “going to kill that girl,” he picks up the pace, weaving through people and benches on the sidewalk. He slams on the brakes and whips the rear tire as he turns down the alley, almost losing his balance.

The alley is full of stray animals and homeless people, but Joe won’t be slowed in his quest to exact justice. He runs over a cat or two in his haste to catch Richard but doesn’t seem to notice. He reaches the bend in the alley in time to see Richard coming his way from the other end in an attempt to double back. It doesn’t appear Richard has seen him; Joe jumps off the bike and rushes to hide behind one of the many Dumpsters lining the alley. He is slapped in the face with the smell of spoiled meat and rotten food that has been collecting since the Trash Detail started coming out only once every few months.

He pulls out Richard’s pistol, his hands still shaking from his ride. His breath is short and comes in near gasps. He peeks around the Dumpster he’s hiding behind to see if Richard is still heading his way. He sees him looking over his shoulder, making sure he isn’t being followed, and, after a few quickened steps, he thinks he’s clear and leans against the wall to catch his breath.

NOW! Do it now, or are you too weak?! Have you lost your senses? Will you throw away all I have taught you? Why?! To be a “good person?” That little girl is a good person; do you think HE would have hesitated to cut her throat as he has done to so many before? Do you think he would take less pleasure from raping her than he did all his other victims?! Do you think he’ll stop just because some punk kid at a diner recognized him?! DO IT! He deserves what he gets…

The voice in Joe’s head is pounding; its owner is chomping at the bit and it’s more than Joe can resist. Joe looks at the pistol in his hand. This thing must have cost a fortune; guns have been banned since The Dynasty take-over. It could easily feed a family of four for a month or more if sold. It is a beautiful weapon.

Yes, it is beautiful, and with it, you can exact justice on that piece of Soulless garbage in his moment of weakness. You should teach him what it is to be the victim. You can stop him from hurting any more young girls…


This giveaway is for one print copy of the book and a $50 gift card to a U.S. winner.† The ebook with $50 gift card is open worldwide.† This giveaway ends on April 27, 2018.† Entries are accepted via Rafflecopter only.

Demon Within by Josh GagnierAbout Josh Gagnier:

Josh has had a knack for writing from a young age; mostly poetry.††The Demon Within†is his debut novel and, according to Josh, nearly wrote itself.† He is a US Army veteran and has been deployed to the Balkans and Middle East.† He has been an IT professional for about a decade.
Many of the events in†The Demon Within†were taken from Josh's life and "put through the fiction blender" as he puts it.† When pressed for more details, he said he couldn't give specifics for fear of "giving spoilers," but, he did say the book includes fictional spins on things ranging from childhood bullying to being placed in the Las Vegas foster care system.
He currently lives in Columbus OH with his family and is working on book two of his 'The Last War' series.

Follow Demon Within Tour:

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Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm Mar 27 Guest review by Sal & Excerpt

Lisa's Writopia Apr 16 Review & Guest Post

Jessica JBronder Book Reviews†Apr 25 Review

Donna Amazon Review Apr 26 Review

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so glad Sal enjoyed 'The Demon Within'! Thanks for taking part in the tour!


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