Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sapphyria's Book Promotions Presents: Shadow Walker by Tiffany Shand; #VirtualBookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #99Pennies

Shadow Walker
Shadow Walker Trilogy, Book 1
Tiffany Shand
Length: 111 pgs.
Genres: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

About Shadow Walker:

After her enforcer teammates are killed in a bust gone wrong, Denai witch Charlie McCray struggles to carry on working the job without them. Using her gift of communicating with the dead, she's determined to get justice and find those responsible no matter what. But her only clue to go on is a mysterious orb with a deadly reputation that everyone wants to get their hands on.

The only one who may be able to help her figure out their deaths, and the connection to the orb is the dark and sexy demon from her past. Convinced she's his life mate, to her denial, Charlie isn't happy to see him again. Can they really work together as partners to track down the truth whilst ignoring the ever-growing attraction between them?

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After Charlie calmed down, Drake convinced her to head back to the station with him after she grabbed a box of files from her tiny apartment. Despite her protests he wanted to keep an eye on her. Sooner or later she’d have to deal with her grief and he’d be there for her when she did.
Drake said nothing while she drove there and she seemed grateful for the silence. The groan and snarl of city traffic made him miss the old city in some ways but Setara was much better off now than it had been. The glistening silver towers shone like diamonds as Charlie cut through the cobbled streets.
His mind went back to the conversation he’d had with one of his own informants just before he’d gone to help Charlie.
“There’s a hit out on your witch,” Val had told him.
“A hit? By who?” he demanded. “Why?”
“Looks like your girl messed with the Tears. They want her, and they’re gonna be gunning for her.”
“I don’t understand why they’d come after me now,” Charlie muttered, seemingly more to herself than to him. “It’s been six months!”

Meet the Author:

Tiffany Shand started writing short stories when she was a child. She has always done writing in one form or another and started writing novels in her early teens.

Tiffany loves to read books and discovered her love for fantasy and paranormal romance. She writes both non-fiction and fiction, and love helping writers to build their author platforms.

After doing a creative writing course in her early 20s, she is now a freelance writer and professional editor.

Tiffany lives in Essex with her family and two very spoiled cats.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing the excerpt from Tiffany Shand's Shadow Walker!


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