Thursday, January 25, 2018

Barclay PR Presents: Green by S.M. West; #FirstLook, #ComingSoon, #PreOrder, #Giveaway

Get Your First Look at GREEN by S.M. West!

Here’s your FIRST LOOK at S.M. West’s GREEN! Join us as we get our first peek at this hot and sexy romantic suspense where hope and friendship grow into something more.
Check out the excerpt and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: Green
Author: SM West
Release Date: 2/28/18
Publisher: Self-published
Series: A Love in Color Novel
Genres: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense
Word Count: 72,500

Green. The color of hope.
ANNA MARI is living for today, not daring to hope for tomorrow. She’s a pawn in her grandfather’s game, and time is her enemy. Her freedom is the prize.
 DAVIS COOPER is licking his wounds of betrayal when he’s assigned to babysit his boss’s sister. The pretty little thing who’s most definitely off-limits.
Though they struggle to set boundaries, the root of their friendship grows into something more. But none of that matters – Anna’s fate is sealed and neither hope nor love can save her.

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GREEN Excerpt:

Copyright © 2018 S.M. West

It’s the sway of her hips and mass of dark curls that catch my eye. She’s dancing at the bar while sipping a drink and leaning into some guy who is all over her. His hands bracket her waist, slowly inching down the curve of her ass.
She’s mine to protect. I charge like a bull, hot and agitated, yanking her out of his arms. Her drink spills over the guy’s shirt.
“Hey!” he yells, flicking liquid off his hands.
Anna whips her head to me, eyes wide and mouth open. “What are you…”
I lean in close and whisper, my tone thick, heavy and derisive. “This sex kitten act isn’t working for you, little girl. Stop making a fool of yourself.” I’m a damned liar, but I don’t intend to give that any thought right now.
“Get lost.” Her angry gaze lights into me, and she pivots toward the guy who is ready to take me on.
I grab her arm, wrapping her in an embrace while she tries to wriggle free. “We’re leaving.”
“Get your hands off her, asshole,” drunk college boy slurs, wobbling toward me.
“No, I’m not.” Her eyes narrow into a glower. “Leave if you want to. Let me go.”
“You heard the lady, let her go." The guy looks at her with a stupid face that he probably thinks is endearing. Instead, he's a jackass with puckered lips and crossed-eyes. “Hey baby, you okay?”
He paws her clumsily, and my patience snaps. “You touch her again, and you’ll lose your arm.”
He falters for a second, glancing down at my arms firmly banded around her and then back at me.
“Hey, man.” He raises his hands as if he’s staring down the barrel of a gun. “No disrespect, I didn’t know she was yours.”
“I’m not,” she grinds out, jabbing her elbow in my side.
I flinch but keep my hold on her and she releases a frustrated groan. The guy doesn’t give either of us a second look. He’s gone.
“Let me go,” she hisses. Ignoring her, I text Tango and Tommie to meet us out back.
Within minutes, I’m thrusting her into Tango’s arms and ordering them to take her home.
“Do not leave,” I stress, and Tango nods obediently.
Anna is fuming. Livid. Her nostrils flare and lips are tight while her eyes blaze. If looks could kill, I might be sucking in dirt. But I’ve gotta admit, hot and bothered looks good on her.
While completely uncalled for, I wink and flash my sexy grin– the one that has women falling at my feet–before turning my back on her. As I walk into the club, she curses a blue streak, and I laugh. My cock twitches, turned on by her spunk. Down boy, this is Anna. Off-limits no matter how tempting.

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About S.M. West:

S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She's a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.
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