Monday, October 3, 2016

InkSlinger PR Presents: Fighting Chance by Victoria Paige; #BlogTour, #Excerpt, #Giveaway


Today we have the blog tour for Fighting Chance by Victoria Paige! I am so excited to share this new romantic suspense with you! Check it out and grab your copy today!

fighting-chance-smlAbout Fighting Chance:

One small town.

One dead sheriff.

A town with secrets.

Newly appointed sheriff Trent Stone is investigating the murder of his predecessor. This leads him to Misty Grove, a town lined with innocent diners and general stores, but his gut instinct tells him that nothing is what it seems.

It doesn’t help that his first encounter with one of its citizens is at the end of her shotgun.

A beautiful hellion.

Cassandra Reed is unlike any woman he has ever met. She’s tough and sassy, yet her eyes hold a vulnerability that calls to his protective side. Trent’s dedication to his job has always caused the demise of his previous relationships, so what is it about Cassie now that compels him to risk it all, especially when she has made it clear she doesn’t need his protection?

When Cassie brushes off injuries from a suspicious incident, Trent’s need to serve and protect deepens into an alarming obsession over a woman who challenges his every instinct of self-preservation. Staying away from her is not an option, and he will be damned if he lets Cassie deny the growing attraction between them.

But when the town’s secrets are revealed, he discovers he’s in over his head. As a mere sheriff, the menace that looms over Misty Grove is way above his pay grade. Before the threat can rip away the woman who has come to mean everything to him, Trent will have to make a tough decision. One that will give him and Cassie a fighting chance at a future together.

*Strong sexual content and language. Can be read as a standalone, but may leave questions about secondary characters who will become the protagonists in upcoming books.

Get your copy today:


“The ranch is the other way!” Cassie cried in alarm as the sheriff executed a three-point turn to direct the truck back to the way he came from.
“I’m taking you to County Hospital.”
Oh. Hell. No.
“Turn back.”
“Turn the hell back!”
“You need to get looked at.” Trent glared at her. “There’s a bump on your head. You might have a concussion.”
“I don’t have a concussion. I fall off horses all the time and I do know how to land.” Partial lie, because she didn’t anticipate this, and she did hit her head on something, but she didn’t black out.
“No wonder,” he muttered.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing. I’m not budging, Cassie. You’re going to see a doctor.”
“Well, see here, Sheriff. I can refuse treatment.”
Take that you arrogant bastard.
His jaw ticked and hardened perceptibly, and judging by his resulting non-response, she knew she’d scored a hit. She’d let him stew on her answer before she demanded he take her back to the ranch. She enjoyed her view. Cassie studied the sheriff’s profile, and the first thing she noticed was the perfectly angled planes of his jaw. Strong definitely and a bit too serious, like he didn’t smile often. The first time she’d seen him, he’d been clean shaven, and her attention drawn to his eyes. Now he was definitely rocking several days of stubble, the roughness appealing to her. She’d never been partial to clean-cut men, maybe that was why she barely gave him a second thought after the first time she’d met him. His dark hair was thick and cut in a crew cut, with a slightly textured top. Thick, dark lashes were prominent from her vantage point. Hmm … Millie was right, he was promisingly attractive. All right, he was plenty sexy, and if that was muscle shifting under that sheriff’s uniform, Cassie was more than curious.


About Victoria Paige:

I work as a freelance database administrator, and when I’m not geeking out, I write romantic suspense novels. I live in Richmond, Va—less than two hours away from Washington DC—so most of the settings of my books are in the nation’s capital—of course, I’m not averse to creating fictional towns and cities.

When I’m not arguing with the alpha male characters in my head, I love to watch high-octane action movies. I think Jack Bauer is the shit, which is why most of my characters are such badasses bent on saving the world from evil doers.

I love reading adult contemporary, paranormal, urban fantasy, historical, romantic suspense, and a few new adult fiction as well as military non-fiction.

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Enter Victoria’s Giveaway:

Blog Tour Schedule:

September 22nd

September 23rd
SBB Reviews Review

September 24th

September 25th

September 26th
NightWolf Book Blog Excerpt

September 27th
Book Briefs Review

September 28th

September 29th

September 30th

October 1st

October 2nd

October 3rd

October 4th

October 5th

Hosted By:


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