Monday, April 24, 2023

The Chaotic Creative Presents: Defender by Nicole Dykes; #ReviewTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

We're on tour with Defender by Nicole Dykes!

Defender eBook

Kensley Panthers Series, #3
by Nicole Dykes
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#NewRelease #NowLive #OneClickNow #Defender 
#NicoleDykes #MMRomance #SmallTown #GrumpySunshine #FriendsWithBenefits #BiAwakening #NewAdult

About Defender:

Travis Wyatt

All I’ve ever wanted was to go to college and get out of Kensley.That small town is all I’ve ever known. I want to be free to be myself, not stifled by small minds in the football-loving town where I grew up.

And then I blew my one and only chance.

So now, I’m just stuck. Stuck in small-town life, with the same small-town people I’ve always known. Stuck where I don’t want to be. Constantly on the defense and hiding secrets about myself. To never be the real me.

I’m lost, and I’m angry. But those people I was desperate to get away from, they don’t stop. They insist on showing me that maybe it’s not about my location.

That maybe I can be free right where I am.

Oakley Easton

Travis is way too uptight. I don’t know why. He has everything a guy could want—a steady job and friends who would do anything for him. A great simple, small-town life. But I guess that’s not what he wants.

He’s always been different. Better. Smarter. Stronger.

Still, I find myself wanting to show him everything he’s dreamed of is within his grasp. That he doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. That he can be himself wherever he is, and I’ll back him up.

Because that’s what I’m good at—on and off the field. I’ll always be his defender.

If he’d only let me.

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My Thoughts:

The author starts the reader off with a playlist. If you like country music, I think you will enjoy her choices. For me this was a story to read without first and then because I want to, I will go back and add in the music. 


Oakley just wants to hang. You have to like his personality because he tries to pull people out of their shell. He will also give you some chuckle moments as the story moves along. Travis doesn’t seem to be happy with his life right now. He’s like a lot of people, they think they know which way they want their life to go and then a curve ball is sent his way. Theirs is a relationship that forms naturally with Oakley leading the way. But like a lot of relationships there are some bumps in the road. 


If you’ve never experienced this author before, this would be a good place to start. It is a part of a series, but the first two books aren’t needed to understand her writing style. Once you finish though, that would be a good time to go back and read books one and two. 

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Download your copy of Defender by Nicole Dykes today!

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About Nicole Dykes:

Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she's a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance. She currently has over 20 published books with her Monroe and Adamson series being the most popular. She enjoys cranking up the angst level, making her readers cry, and turning those tears into the coffee that fuels her writing.

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