Monday, March 13, 2023

InkSlinger PR Presents: Sins Of The Father by Franca Storm; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

 We’re excited to share the release of Franca Storm’s Sins of the Father! Check out the gorgeous new MC Romance and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Sins of the Father
Author: Franca Storm
Genre: MC Romance

About Sins of the Father:   

We don’t bend. 
We don’t break. 
We’re tried and tested warriors.   

War is on our doorstep. 
The enemy is coming for everything we have, everything we are. 
They’ll use what we love against us. 
Old blood feuds are resurrected, vengeance reigning unchecked. They want us to pay for our sins.   

We stand united with our allies. 
But we’ll fall with them if we make one wrong move. 
It’s all on the line. 
The stakes have never been higher.    

It’s not about winning territory this time.
It’s about survival. 
If we falter, it’ll cost us everything. 
Our clubs. 
Our families. 
Our lives. 

Order Your Copy!

Catching Up with the Series:







About the Author: 

Franca writes emotional and gritty reads about alphas with a dark side and the kickass women who turn their worlds upside down. 

A Marvel and DC fan, you’ll often find her binging on superhero shows and movies. Away from that heart-pumping action, she’ll relax with a good book, or work on conquering her next 1,000-piece puzzle. 

She writes to alternative and hard rock with her storyboard of inspiration by her side and some tasty snacks along for the ride. A cross between a pantser and a plotter, she’s happiest when she’s fully immersed in crafting her fictional worlds. 

She created Franca Storm United Universes in 2021, which brought together her different book universes under one umbrella.  


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