Friday, February 3, 2023

Xpresso Tours Presents: Blindsided by Marguerite Ashton; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #OnSale, #99Pennies, #Giveaway

Marguerite Ashton
The Forgotten Daughter, #1
Publication date: July 13th 2020
Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult

Diagnosed with depression, Lexi Archer prefers to continue outpatient treatment. But someone else has other plans.

BlindSided tells the story of Lexi Archer, an eighteen-year-old woman who wakes up in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the rail, and realizes she doesn’t remember what happened the night before.

After being released from the hospital, Lexi’s transferred to the Milwaukee County Jail, where she’s informed about her pending charges for first-degree murder.

Intent on proving she’s innocent, Lexi places a phone call to her stepsister asking for her help. As Lexi gets closer to the truth, she unravels ugly secrets about her dead mother that will change her life forever.

Author Bio:


When Marguerite Ashton was in her twenties, she took up acting but realized she preferred to work behind the camera, writing crime fiction. A few years later, she married an IT Geek and settled down with her role as wife, mom, and writer!

Her blog, Criminal Lines: Settled Writer Past 40 is her outlet while building dollhouses and plotting out her next book.

Marguerite lives in Wisconsin and enjoys RVing.

Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

10 things you wish every aspiring writer would know:

Thank you Lynn, for hosting me on your blog.

The ten things that I’d like to share with aspiring writers is the one heard too often but is true. Don’t quit your day job. If you’re able, allowing yourself to dive into writing full-time, even better. Just remember to keep a journal for ideas that may develop while you’re not at your computer and relocate to different spaces to keep your writing and/or thoughts fresh.

To keep yourself from feeling stuck emotionally and physically—one thing I have learned over the years is that having your own writing space is wonderful. But having several spots to visit with different scenery helps me a lot. If I’m stuck on a scene, or feeling overwhelmed, I’ll take walks with my fur baby. Or watch one of my favorite shows. Another favorite is when I build dollhouses. It’s a stress reliever for me, and I can sort out a scene.

Also, when you take a break, allow yourself to extend that break if possible. Better yet, having a day off when you don’t write at all works. However, for many writers, that’s not an option. Especially if you’re on a deadline.

Oh, and there’s one more thing that I’d like to share. Writing is something that you will need to do over and over again. Editing, writing an outline, and synopsis to stay in step with each book that you write.

After you’ve completed book one, decide if this is what you want to continue doing. Are you in it for the long haul or from time to time?

As writers, we choose to write for different reasons. Either way, you’re doing something that you enjoy.


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