Friday, January 13, 2023

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Sinful Crown by Ava Harrison; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR

Release Date: February 6
#forcedproximity #readyourheartout #bookobsessed 
#shelfie #readmoreromance #booknerdigan 
#bookaholic #bookish #wildfiremarketingsolutions

My protector is a monster. 


Evil men are searching for me. 

Gideon Byrne is my salvation. 


Cold. Cruel. And handsome beyond measure. 


He should scare me. 

His possessive desire should make me run. 

But I stay. 


I give in to him. 

I give him… me. 


I’m falling in love with a monster. 

And I refuse to stop. 


Gideon Byrne is many things. 

Predator. Enemy. 

Protector. Lover. 


Only one question remains… 

Is he my villain or my savior?

Add to your Goodreads TBR List! 

Meet Ava Harrison:

Ava Harrison is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author. 

When she’s not journaling her life, you can find her window shopping, cooking dinner for her family, or curled up on her couch reading a book.

To learn more about Ava Harrison and her books, visit here!

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