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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Forever With Me by Claudia Burgoa; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Release Date: June 7
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I trained to save lives.

No one trained me to save my heart. 

I have two jobs.


Two identities.


Only one name.




I manage musicians, represent athletes, and the odd author.


(It’s a long story)


I also work for The Organization—a secret high intelligence agency.


We don’t mind bending the law to get things done.


Though, I’m always in the background flying drones, researching, scouting…


Up until I get a new assignment.


I’m the new Junior associate to Everhart & Everhart, LLP.


Also, Fitzhenry Everhart’s new boyfriend.


He’s fifteen years my senior, and an extrovert.


We’re water and oil.


I’m the wrong person for the job—but no one believes it.


I avoid relationships, flings, and hookups.


Who am I kidding?


I avoid people.


If the bad guy doesn’t kill him, I might do it before the mission is over.


Forever with Me is a Male-love-Male angsty romance with opposites that can’t help to attract each other and danger is in every corner. This is the last book in the Everhart Brothers series by USA TODAY Bestselling Author Claudia Burgoa.

Grab Your Copy Here!

Meet Claudia Burgoa:

Claudia is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author.  

She writes alluring, thrilling stories about complicated women and the men who take their breaths away. Her books are the perfect blend of steamy and heartfelt, filled with emotional characters and explosive chemistry. Her writing takes readers to new heights, providing a variety of tears, laughs, and shocking moments that leave fans on the edge of their seats.


She lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, her youngest two children, and three fluffy dogs.


When Claudia is not writing, you can find her reading, knitting, or just hanging out with her family. At nights, she likes to binge watches shows or movies with her equally geeky husband.

Connect with Claudia Burgoa:

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