Friday, June 3, 2022

Home Cooked Books Presents: Say It Like You Mane It by Erin Nicholas; #NarratorPromo, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

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We’ve got some fun *animal* facts to share about the SAY IT LIKE YOU MANE IT narrators…

Both James and Desiree have rescue pets (Yay!)

James has two kitties: “Pixie and Ichigo. Both were rescue cats from the shelter. Pixie had been sitting there for over 300 days, as the tag said. And then two years later, this past Christmas, we adopted Ichigo.”

Pixie was originally named Ice. That just didn't seem to fit her. So, we ran down the list of names that spontaneously popped up. When we said Pixie, her ears perked up and it stuck. She is a beautiful mix of white with brown tabby patches and a slight deformity in her nose, as its a bit squashed looking.

Ichigo was originally named Hopper. Again, we didn't think that name fit. So, we ran down the list of random names and his ears perked up at Ichigo. He even responded with a tiny mew of acceptance. He is completely covered with the softest brown tabby shorthair I've ever found on a cat before.


Desiree has a home full of furry loves. “5 cats: Gaia, Calypso, Luna, Odin, and Daenerys. 

Fun facts about them, Calypso is actually cross-eyed and fluffy with short stubby legs with a sassy little attitude. When we found her and saw her looking at us with those big green crossed eyes, I looked at my husband and said "That one's broken, I want her." 

Daenerys is a diluted torti who is super social and I'm convinced she thinks she's a dog. She constantly nuzzles and loves up on the pups and has a super spunky personality.


My two dogs are Bella and Wren. The best of friends and the sweetest girls on the planet.”

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