Monday, May 9, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: The Prince by Antony Soehner; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #OnSale, #99Pennies, #LimitedTime, #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.  
Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


The Prince
by Antony Soehner
GENRE: General/Epic Fantasy



Destiny will always test the greatest of leaders.
Theo never imagined life outside the king’s castle. But when the queen’s funeral reveals the king’s true colors, Theo must rely on his sister, her allies, and his friends to get him to safety. With the help of mercenaries and the native tribes of the plains, Theo must learn to face his destiny and open his mind to the diverse world he’s been thrown into.

The book will be $0.99 during the tour.




“There’s no time for this,” Alice clipped, “you two are leaving the castle and then you’re leaving the kingdom. Ashti will get you to your first waypoint. From there she’ll explain the rest.”

“Your Highness—”

Alice placed a hand on Oli’s cheek. “In another life—” she choked on her words and tried to smile through the tears pooling in her eyes. “In another life, maybe I could have kept you by my side. But our destinies now lie in different directions.”

Oli swallowed hard. “I will see you again, cross my heart,” he promised her.

“I will count the days until we see each other again,” Alice said through the knot in her throat. “Your duty is to my brother and your friend,” She shook her head and swallowed hard. “You need to go. Get him out of—”

Oli leaned over and planted a kiss on Alice’s lips. It was quick and subtle. As Oli pulled away, Alice followed, trying to hold the moment as it vanished too quickly.

“When I return, my princess,” Oli began as he started shuffling the prince towards Ashti, “we will finish this moment.”

Without another glance, Oli, Theo, and Ashti ducked into the other room and vanished.

Alice turned towards the door where the banging persisted. She raised her hand and the iron trimming glowed white once again. The doors burst open and four Knights tumbled onto the floor.

Alice dropped to her knees and began to weep.


Author Bio:

Geek by heart, author by trade.

Raised on a healthy diet of geek and pop culture, Antony has come to share his love and appreciation for role-playing games, geek culture, and fantasy adventure. If it’s random comic book facts, Star Wars trivia, or just the measly obscure movie reference, Antony is there!

Author Links:


Twitter: @AntonySoehner


Instagram: @AntonySoehner



Amazon Author Page:


Topic:  What was your process in writing this book? Do the characters come first or does the setting? Do you know when you start that the book is going to be part of a series?

My process always starts with a goal of 1000 words daily. I keep track of my progress in a spreadsheet I’ve kept since 2019. When it was time to start writing “The Prince” back in March of 2020, those 1000 words flew by each day. The original title was “My Pandemic Project” and it became an easy way to cope with the world’s chaos.

Before any words were put to paper, I had a handful of character scenes created in my head. The introductions of the two antagonists were the first images that flooded my mind for days. When I was finally convinced I had a story, the world and settings seemed to build themselves around these characters.

I knew eventually this book would end as the first in a larger series but I had no idea it would become as big as it is today. After two years, I’ve found myself working on book four and am still planning on keeping it going. Theo has quite a journey ahead of him and I hope readers are as excited as I am to see what comes next!



Antony Soehner will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Hosted By:


  1. I like the cover, blurb and excerpt, The Prince sounds like an awesome read and I am looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing your bio and book details and for offering the sale price and giveaway

  2. Looks like a very interesting book.

  3. Looks like a very interesting book.

  4. The excerpt is great and The Prince sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing it with me! Have a fantastic day!


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