Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: Murder At Serengeti Plains by Pat Duggan; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.  
Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Murder at Serengeti Plains
by Pat Duggan
GENRE: Cozy Mystery


Murder at Serengeti Plains is the third mystery novel in the series, featuring amateur sleuths Hazel Davies and Anna Kohl.  The earlier novels are Murder at Eagles Nest and Could They Be Twins?

The book is set in a new residential subdivision, Serengeti Plains, built by the renowned local builder, Zebra Homes.  It is located in the peaceful, historic town of Centerville, Ohio.  However, peace is shattered when the new residents are awakened one morning by the sound of police sirens.  The procession of police cars, come to rest in their own neighborhood.  A body has been discovered!  Was it an accident or was it murder?

Hazel Davies and Anna Kohl have recently moved into this new subdivision.  They have previously helped the police to solve murders in both Florida and Ohio, but they did not expect to find one on their own doorstep.  When the police begin to look at their friend as the perpetrator, they find themselves drawn into yet another murder investigation.

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Detective Grant and Officer Kilgore found Noah and Luke in the next street which was a ‘hive’ of activity, with multiple homes in various stage of construction.  Both were trying to focus on the job in hand, while clearly concerned about what was happening in the cul-de-sac.  They had figured someone would come and talk to them when they were ready.  Grant introduced himself and Officer Kilgore, then made a note of their names for his records.

Noah spoke up first and said, “I know you have been over at site 564.  When I looked there seemed to be a body, but I am still hoping I was wrong.  Surely, it cannot be true.  I am hoping it was just a hoax, you know a dummy or something.  Tell us what has actually happened?”

Detective Grant replied, “I am sorry to tell you, it is not a hoax.  We found a body, buried in the gravel basement this morning.  Louis Taylor discovered the hidden body when he and his crew were pouring the concrete for the basement floor.  We are fortunate that it was discovered before they started pouring in the corner where it was hidden.”

Both Noah and Luke were clearly shocked by the news.  Finally, Luke asked, “Do you know who it is?  I mean is it a man or a woman?  And what were they doing on a building site?”

Grant cleared his throat and answered, “Well, it is a man, probably in his late forties.  Unfortunately, there was no identification on the body, so we are still working on an I.D.  In fact, I am hoping you will be able to help me out on that matter.  I have just received a photograph from the coroner’s office.  I am afraid it is a little difficult to look at, but I would appreciate your help if you could just take a look.”

each step inside towards completion.


Author Bio:

Originally from Manchester, England, Pat Duggan moved to the U.S. in 1985.  After a career in finance, which included running her own book-keeping and tax business, in the Cincinnati area, Pat and her partner retired and moved to Oregon.  Years later, they embarked on a five-year journey, traveling across the country in a motorhome.

Writing was a whole new direction for Pat, which began with two non-fiction books – The Power Within and Finding God in an RV.  Then she branched into writing fiction as she turned to her love for solving murder mysteries and the challenge to figure out ‘whodunit!’

Sadly, their traveling days are over, but settling down has brought its own reward as it inspired this latest novel.

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Topic: Did your travel adventures ad/or your love of murder mysteries help in creating this latest book?

Life in a motorhome traveling from place to place, instills a certain attitude of curiosity.  During the first year of our journey, we traveled across the country, stopping in many places.  These included Glacier National Park, The National Bison Range, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore.  In subsequent years we traveled down the East Coast making stops at Washington D.C., Charleston, and Savannah.  We even spent a couple of months traveling around Michigan one summer and on another occasion visited Pennsylvania.  Wherever we went, we took time to visit the local places of interest.

Although our travels do not specifically feature in Murder at Serengeti Plains, the investigative mindset is still active.  When I started this book, I needed a suitable location for my fictitious subdivision.  It was time to check out the area, this time in search of an appropriate town.  With the help of a friend, I found the historic town of Centerville, Ohio, and my ‘tourist’ mindset once again took hold of me.  The rural area just outside of the town was perfect for a new subdivision and the ability to include some of the fascinating history into the book hopefully added to the reader’s experience. 

Of course, my love of murder mysteries has always been helpful in my writing.  My slightly twisted imagination will find a body in the most unusual places.  However, this is just the beginning of the mystery.  A lifetime of watching mystery stories on TV and reading books on the subject has given me a sense of how to solve a problem.  The difficult part is making the story unique, not just rewriting someone else’s work.     



Pat Duggan will be awarding a $20 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. Thank you for hosting my book tour. I look forward to interacting with your followers.

  2. Thank you for sharing your guest post and book details, Murder At Serengeti Plains sounds like an excellent read and I am looking forward to it

    1. Thank you Bea! I hope you enjoy my book then check out Murder at Eagles Nest and Could They Be Twins.

  3. Thank you for hosting my book tour. I look forward to responding to your followers comments.

  4. The book sounds great. I love the cover.

  5. Thank you for hosting my book tour yesterday!

  6. Great interview and excerpt, and I am looking forward to reading this mystery! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a marvelous TGIF!


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