Friday, May 6, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: Her Lustful Desires by J.R. Salisbury; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.  
Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Her Lustful Desires
by J R Salisbury
GENRE: Historical Romance (Victorian)
Rating:  4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Goddess Fish Promotions and the authors. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 



A daring widow. A determined duke. A story too wicked for the eyes of the ton…
Lady Georgiana, dowager duchess of Ashwood, emerges from a year of official mourning with her next steps firmly in mind. She will retreat to her beloved country estate, play merry matchmaker to her dearest friends, and write daring romance novels under a male pseudonym. Far from the prying eyes of the ton—and her late husband’s odious cousin.

But when her publisher wants to meet “Geoff Parker” in person, she gratefully accepts the help of Jeremy Graystone, childhood friend and heir to a dukedom. A man whose bronze, muscular good looks could tempt her to forget to keep him at arm’s length.

Years ago, Jeremy had to watch Georgiana’s family marry her off to another. Now the timing is finally right. But with Georgiana determined to relish her newfound freedom, he will be patient and plan for the day he will have her in his bed, his hands tangled in her spun-gold hair, her lapis blue eyes only for him.

And do whatever is necessary to keep her late husband’s greedy cousin from destroying her happiness…

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Martin pushed his way into the solicitor’s office, acting as though he were the most important man in all of England.

She’d never met him before, but he was everything Ashwood had described him to be. An unattractive short man who bordered on obesity, sweated profusely, and had a head of thinning dark blond hair and cutting brown eyes.

He barely acknowledged her as he sat in the chair beside hers.

“What’s she doing here?” he demanded.

“She is your cousin’s widow. This concerns her as well,” Pickford replied, looking him in the eyes.

“She’s just that—a widow. All she’ll need is some source of income until she can find another man to dupe and a place to live. There must be somewhere we can put her.”

Georgiana’s back bristled. Time to put this man in his place. “I’m sorry, my lord, but I’m sitting right here. I’m not a book on a shelf you take out to dust off from time to time. I’m a living, breathing human.”

“Yes, yes. Now, can we get on with this? My bags and such should arrive at the house, along with my valet, as we speak. There’s much to do.”

“And where would you have me stay, my lord?” She knew her misuse of his new title would irritate him, and that was what she intended, wanting to see him blow up like a puffer fish, insulted. Which was precisely what happened next.

“I’m sorry, but I’m now the duke and therefore referred to as Your Grace.”

“And I am the dowager duchess and am referred to as Your Grace as well,” she replied smugly.

“Your living arrangements are none of my concern. As I said, I’ll be happy to find a cottage or small house on one of the estates. Until one is found, I suggest you go to a hotel. There is no longer a place for you at Ashwood House.”

“You’d throw a dowager duchess out onto the street?” Georgiana said in mock horror. Martin was a miserable man, and she would be sure everyone among the ton knew it. All she had to do was say the word, and invitations would be few.

Pickford interrupted their bickering. “Can we begin, Your Graces?”

“Of course,” Georgiana said with a polite smile.

Martin nodded and grunted. “Oh, very well, though I strongly protest to this woman being present.”

“Duly noted, Your Grace.”

The next hour was painful. Martin challenged every point of Ashwood’s will where Georgiana was included, but Pickford persevered and finally finished. She rose, ready to take her leave.

“Would you be so kind as to send a copy of all this to my solicitor, please?” she asked. She and Pickford had already gone over it. Because of Martin’s attitude, she had decided long before meeting the new duke to have her affairs handled by the prestigious firm of Kingsley and Kingsley.

Pickford nodded as he rose. “I will make sure a copy is forwarded to Kingsley and Kingsley. I’m sorry to lose your business, Your Grace, but I understand. I look forward to perhaps doing business with you again in the future.”

Nothing had been lost on Martin, and though he didn’t utter a word, his eyes never left her.

“I assume the carriage you use belongs to me now,” he challenged. “Have it sent back to Ashwood House as soon as you’re finished. You’ll have to purchase your own or hire one.” He snorted, thinking himself funny. Such a vulgar sound.

“No, Your Grace, I purchased the carriage and four you saw. If there’s nothing else, I bid you both good day.”


My Thoughts:

Georgiana shows the reader how some men treated women of that period. One man in particular would not like the women of today. And that’s probably why I would get a chuckle whenever he appeared. Jeremy is someone that Georgiana has come to rely on. She has a soft spot in his heart. 


Our author has renewed my love of historical romances. She’s also added in a little mystery and suspense. What a great combination to keep a reader well entertained from beginning to end. I love to watch the crime reality shows that have been around for a few years and I can see this as a great addition to any one of them. 


This story also had me thinking about my ancestors. Would they have walked some of the same streets as our main characters? Would they have done some of the same activities? Jeremy had a family member come to stay with him and I had to wonder if my family had some of the same expectations. But then my mind would make its way back to our man of mystery and I had to know what he was up to and how things would all turn out.  


It seemed like a time period where things were done at a much slower pace that I could do nothing but stop any thought of speedreading and just sit back and enjoy the show that was playing out in my mind. And now that Spring is starting to put on a show with all the new growth and new babies, sitting outside to read sounds like a great idea. I was sad to see the ending – seems like I just got started and it was already over. But now I’m ready for book two of The Merry Widows. 


Author Bio:

I've always been a creative individual. Writing is just a facet of that creativity...

My careers in public relations in and around the entertainment industry, photography, editing, artist management, modeling and special event planning all elevated my passion for writing, not to mention gave me a treasure trove for story lines.

I write women's fiction; contemporary romance (as Jamie Salisbury) and historical romance (as JR Salisbury) which is ever evolving. I am fortunate enough that writing (and marketing of said product(s)) is my full-time job, although I always have one or two other projects going at the same time.

Some of my other interests include photography, equestrianism, reading, and of course, travel.

I sincerely hope my writing will entertain, enlighten, and inspire others to pick up the pen and pursue their own dreams. I love to be contacted by readers, writers, and history buffs. You may contact me by email at:

Topic: Has working in the entertainment industry helped in your creating a historical romance? If so, in what way?

Excellent question. To be honest, no. Not as far as creating a historical romance. I managed a band and also worked in PR in the industry, which are two separate and vastly different things.


 What it has done is help me weed out an overused trope since I firmly believe in not hopping on the bandwagon of the latest, best-selling idea. I have no desire to be part of a pack. Subconsciously all authors are influenced by something. Entertainment is thrown at us via TV, streaming, movies, books, etc. So much it's overwhelming at times. 


Working in the industry has perhaps made me a little more jaded. Once I had a filmmaker approach me about a group of my contemporaries. It never went any further than one dinner. I shut it down because I was afraid of losing creative control and they would have turned it into something it was never intended to be. Fortunately, I know how to do my research because the film even if we came to an agreement would have never come to fruition (just like a song I wrote which was to be included in a movie that never was finished). So yes, I'm skeptical - but it's been a Godsend.

Anyway, I hope this answers your question.



J R Salisbury will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. I have put this on my to-read list!

  2. I really like the cover, the purple dress is stunning.

  3. Happy Friday and Happy Mother's Day! Do you have any specific reading or writing plans for the weekend?


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