Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Xpresso Tours Presents: The Cruiser by Rowan Rossler; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #OnSale, #99Pennies

The Cruiser
Rowan Rossler
(The Hustlers Trilogy, #1)
Publication date: March 7th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Morgan de Rohan-Chabot is Monaco’s most notorious yacht designer. A maverick playboy with a reputation for leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Young, talented, not to mention sexy AF, he’s also got a boatload of attitude.

In other words, he’s my perfect public relations challenge. So what if he’s trouble with a capital T? I’m a pro. Vandana Hillman: The Queen of Luxury PR. My life’s just blown up, I need a distraction, and Morgan wants me to join him on the glittering shores of Monaco to help him land a conservative Saudi Prince as a client.

Ten days. In, out. No biggie, right?

What could possibly go wrong?

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Guest Post:

10 Facts about The Hustlers Trilogy

1.  Each book reads as a standalone, although the series is loosely interconnected. This meant I had to write a good chunk of each story in advance to understand the characters and how the stories would interweave. Lots of upfront work but worth it.

2.  Although each book features a romance between a certain couple, the connective tissue binding the books is the friendship between the three heroines featured in each story. I wanted to explore the power of female bonds and how it shapes and strengthens us. The ladies in our lives are always there for us!

3.  Book three in the series was originally going to be book one until a beta reader suggested I start with The Cruiser. She was right! (Thanks Jen!)

4.  The book settings are all different and that was important to me. I like to keep things fresh as a writer. If I had to write about the same industry or landscape over and over, I’d get bored.

5.  Each book features two POV’s. The heroine narrates the bulk of the story and every few chapters it flips to the man’s perspective. Since the books are written in first person, having the man’s voice was integral to fleshing out the stories. I also like to explore the sensual side of men…so often they are portrayed as one-button-only horn dogs, but they’re human too!

6.  The book covers were all completed in summer 2021. It was challenging to find the right photo, or one photo, of each of the characters I wanted portrayed. Stock photo sites have limited selection and many of the men, and poses, are ultra-cheesy! In the end, every cover is an amalgamation of minimum three stock photos and/or photos I took myself.

7.  On the same topic of covers…I wanted to bridge the gap between cutesy, illustrated covers and the darker, male torso covers. Both of these styles dominate the romance book cover market. But girly clip art isn’t my author vibe, nor are my men solely muscle-bound jocks. My books are a combination of heat and heart and I wanted covers to represent that—styled in a way that suggested a little more grit than an illustrated cover romance but not as dark and super steamy as the torso covers.

8.  I have a spin off in mind for each of the books in the trilogy. The spin offs will likely be novellas.

9.  Books two and three in the trilogy start a couple of weeks after the ending of the prior book. There are no large time gaps in between.

10.  Of all the heroines, I relate to Flynn the most. (Book two coming up next.) Can’t tell you why though!

Author Bio:

An award-winning storyteller whipping up contemporary romance tales.

Every writer sprinkles their own brand of DNA magic into stories and my ingredients are: glamorous destinations, brilliant, sexy minds, and juicy plots with just the right amount of spice stirred in to kick things up a notch.
If you like all of the above, it might be love at first bite!

Vancouver, Canada is my current home, although I consider myself a citizen of the world. Sharp-dressed men make my day, calla lilies are my favourite flower, and if you ever come to visit, there’s always champagne on ice.

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