Friday, April 29, 2022

Home Cooked Books Presents: Beautiful Game by Lainey Davis; #MeetTheAuthor, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Meet Lainey Davis, author of BEAUTIFUL GAME!

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My mother was an avid romance reader. I used to tease her about it…and then I snuck her copy of Elizabeth Lowell’s Too Hot to Handle. I was an immediate convert to the genre. 


I used to think it was outrageous when romance series featured families of 3 or more super tall sons. But here I am with 3 sons, living across the street from a family with 5 sons. Now I love writing series centered around big, meddlesome families. 


I never intended to be a fiction writer. I was working in university communications when we got an ice dam and had to replace our roof. I needed a side hustle and a friend suggested I write romance to sell on Amazon. I told him I could never do that and he asked why not. I didn’t have a good answer…and I wrote Deep in the Pocket as an experiment. It worked out okay!


I love living in Pittsburgh. I moved here with my now-husband in 2005 to get my MFA. We’ve lived in the east end of the city ever since. I became obsessed with the history of my house, particularly in quarantine when I wondered who quarantined here in the 1918 flu pandemic. I commissioned a house history and learned that a traveling underwear salesman used to live here!

Available now in audio!

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