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Monday, April 11, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: Lessons Learned About Life And Love by Vivianne Knebel; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #OnSale, #Free, #LimitedTime, #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.  
Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Lessons Learned About Life And Love
by Vivianne Knebel
GENRE: Memoir


In her second book "Lessons Learned About Life and Love", Vivianne shares some of the lessons she has learned from writers and thinkers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Viktor Frankl, weaving them into her own experiences in a compelling guide to living, loving and thriving in old age. Her insights offer proof that great wisdom is not gained only from the classroom or the lecture hall, and that one need not look far to understand the secrets to living well. From anecdotes about her everyday rituals to memories from her world travels, Vivianne captures the profound and often surprising moments of enlightenment that can be found right in front of us, if we only know where- and how-to look.

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My book "Lessons Learned About Life And Love" is about my life experiences and how they were impacted by my mentors the philosophers and poets, who helped me make sense of the world. I applied their wisdom and it worked to help me gain the inner dignity of living a fully loved life. How I have come to love life, that same life which I had once sought to end at age 17. I learned early on how cruel life can be but also felt inspired by the beauty and love that always awaits all of us. The trials of my early life left their mark on me and I found a way to overcome the adversities of the world I was able to build a new life for myself, dealing with immigration and walking that long path of self-discovery and self-fulfillment.  But that does not mean that I left all adversities behind me. We are in a constant cycle of ups and downs.

In my book, I write about my latest challenge having to face my husband's severe illnesses. How it was almost touching and go. With positive hope and optimism, one can still find joy and meaning in life and how it can create miracles. This book is a guide to seek meaning even amidst tragedy. I write about the greatest power of love. Nurturing and a sense of responsibility are facets of love. Awareness of service is a state of mind that expresses love. With my unwavering hope, positivity, and devotion I hope to inspire my husband to hold on to that same faith and hope to overcome this latest challenge.

I want to give people the message to always hold onto hope, positivity, and faith, to stay determined, and to persevere. I guide people to cope with challenges in flexible ways. Challenges make us resilient and resilience breeds purpose. That is how we grow!


Question For The Author:


Now that you have two books and a podcast under your belt, do you see another in the future. If so, what would it cover?


Her Answer:

I have written two books within a fairly short time and will need to take a creative pause.
Presently I am occupied with interviews to talk about my books, hoping to get the message across to be optimistic, positive, and never to give up hope and faith in the face of challenges.
Most importantly to look for the good in adverse situation.


Author Bio:

Born an illegitimate child in the wake of WWII in Berlin, Nazi Germany to a single mother, Vivianne Knebel’s options were limited and her future looked bleak. She experienced poverty, cold, and hunger, and was even driven to the point of committing suicide. To seek out a better life, Vivianne immigrated to Canada as a teenager, but her misfortunes did not end there. However, in response to a miraculous intervention, she decided to preserve her life and keep moving forward.

After this incident, Vivianne met a fellow German immigrant, Wiland, who eventually became her husband. But even more than that, he became a catalyst for change in her life. His belief in her is what helped her see the true, immeasurable value of her life. She went on to play a key role in Wiland’s business venture and together they built a better future for each other. 

Since then, Vivianne has run a marathon, learned to pilot a plane, and even beat cancer. She’s found a greater sense of spirituality and wants to share her story with the world, to remind people that there is always a reason to keep moving forward.

 Author Links:









Vivianne Knebel will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. Replies
    1. From author Vivianne Knebel.
      Thank you Goddess Fish Promotions.
      In my book"Lessons Learned About Life And Love", I take the reader through experiences that look much like their own, with the disposition that can shift their minds and hearts.

  2. Replies
    1. From author Vivianne Knebel
      Thank you Lindsey for your interest in "Lessons Learned About Life And Love"
      This book is about how to love life and how to love the love of one's life.

  3. Replies
    1. From author Vivianne Knebel.
      Thank you Sherry for your comment!
      My book "Lessons Learned About Life And Love" guides the reader to finding the secrets of the inner dignity to a truly loved life.


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