Thursday, April 14, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: Inked Caffeine: Melrose and Vine by Monique Duclos; #ExcerptTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.  
Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Inked Caffeine: Melrose and Vine
Book 1 in the Inked Caffeine Series
by Monique Duclos
GENRE: LGBT Romantic Suspense



I was just your typical Starbucks barista without an interesting bone in my body. I liked to keep my head down and do my best to cruise through life uninterrupted, although my bright red hair made it almost impossible. Things took an interesting turn when I met Jimmy, an artist from the tattoo parlour down the street. Living and working in Hollywood, California, I met a lot of intriguing characters, but no one as intriguing as him. He brought a new light to my life that I didn't know I had, let alone one that I needed.

My past wasn't a great one, but I got out and made a new life for myself. And now, it felt like my future was looking better with Jimmy in it. I felt like life was finally worth living, until... everywhere you looked, something was on fire. The screaming was enough to make you go deaf and the scent of blood made you gag. My body was screaming in pain and I couldn't stop choking on all the smoke in the air. My lungs felt tight, and when I looked up, I couldn't decide if it was snowing or raining ashes. People were firing guns chaotically and I had never run so fast in my entire life. Jimmy jumped up to the roof of a parked car and I was quick to follow, bending over to catch my breath.

"Now where?" I panted.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

Flicking on the TV, I watched the odd show and even a full movie, although I was barely paying attention. I kept staring at my phone to keep an eye on the time, then sighed loudly and got up to pace my apartment for a bit and overanalyze every scenario in my head. I didn’t have friends growing up which meant I didn’t go out to social gatherings, let alone a bar where people would be obnoxious and drinking. But at the same time, what do I really have to lose? If I don’t enjoy myself, I won’t do it again. But then there is humiliating myself somehow . . . I know I’ll manage to do it one way or another. Sighing once more, I grabbed my cell from my coffee table and stared at the number on my hand. It took me a minute or two to finally get the nerve to dial, and once I did, I could feel the anxiety raising with every ring.

“James Echo . . .” he answered, and my heart skipped and my stomach dropped.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and exhaled slowly and quietly. “Jimmy? It’s Dallas,” I said and clenched my eyes shut until his response.

“Heeeyyy! I didn’t think you’d call!” I opened my eyes and sighed, staring at the clock on my stove. It was 7:15 p.m.

“Yeah . . . I was honestly contemplating not coming because I’m socially awkward . . .” I laughed, resorting back to pacing my apartment.

I raked a hand through my hair and started chewing on my bottom lip. He laughed, and I got that weird butterfly feeling in my gut again. I frowned.

“That’s even better! You can meet everyone and be less awkward.”

I could hear a smile in his voice. Continuing to chew on my lip, I let out the smallest of sighs. That’s what I’m afraid of . . .


Author Bio:

Monique lives in Southern Ontario with her high school sweetheart and her two lop eared rabbits. When she’s not writing, she’s getting tattoos, dyeing her hair, or travelling. She is an avid concert-goer and has way too many houseplants.

Connect with Monique Duclos







Monique Duclos will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

And check out her GoodReads giveaway for a kindle copy of the book:

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